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Drawn in by Lewdua

Lewdua is a site all about cartoon porn. You can call it hentai, futanari, whatever, it is cartoon porn, and I can’t be assed to say any of the other names you lot give this porn in this review. As you may be able to tell, cartoon porn isn’t really my thing, but I am impressed with Lewdua. This site offers some exceptionally good cartoons and comics, and if you are interested in this type of porn, you gotta check this shit out, you’ll fucking love it!

I was drawn in by this site the moment I saw it, for reasons that are my business. Okay, as this is a porn review, I’ll tell you about them below. However, I doubt I will have all the time I need to tell you how good this site it, I was seriously impressed with this site which is surprising because it is an amateur cartoon porn site, two of my least favourite types of porn. So grab your fancy dandy computer colouring equipment and real sketchbook because apparently cunty artists need both nowadays and let’s review this fucker and find out why Lewdua is so damn impressive, shall we?

The design of Lewdua is awesome

Right, the first thing I noticed about Lewdua was the design. The design of a site is so important, yet loads of sites look like they have been smacked in the face with a shovel! However, Lewdua doesn’t. This refreshingly modern design is awesome! Everything about the style, layout and design of this site is exceptional, and Lewdua gets full marks.

The reason I think that design is so important for porn sites is that that is the user interface. When you visit a site, you want to feel comfortable and be in a safe place, unless you are watching some BDSM shit, I guess. Lewdua does this perfectly. From the moment you get on this site, you feel really comfortable, everything loads really quickly, every link and image on the page works, and the whole thing is responsive. I cannot fault the design of Lewdua at all; it is perfect.

The cartoons on Lewdua is fucking awesome

Right, all of the cartoons on Lewdua come out of the artist known as Lewdua’s mind. I have to say that Lewdua draws some of the best cartoon porn I have ever seen. (again, couldn’t give a shit if you call this porn by another name, I ain’t offending you because I don’t care if you are offended, grow up, you are wanking to cartoons). Lewdua clearly puts a lot of effort into the cartoon porn on this site and that shows. Every cartoon, even though all are short, has a storyline and some sexy shit going on. There are also GIFs and sometimes movies of the cartoon porn too. I am impressed with Lewdua and their skills, great job.

The one thing I would say about the cartoon porn that I have already said is that it is pretty short. Some of the porn is only one frame or perhaps a couple. Of course, it would be great if the cartoons were longer, but I would imagine that the work Lewdua is doing takes a long time so that can be forgiven. Overall though, the cartoon porn on this site is some of the best I have seen, I haven’t seen a cartoon porn scene on this site yet that is shit!

The community on Lewdua is awesome

The community on is outstanding. Every cartoon porn scene that I have looked at so far has comments. Everyone believes in these characters, and everyone is having fun on the site. At first, I thought the community was uploading the porn, but no, that’s all down to Lewdua, and so, the community are just fans of the porn. This is awesome because it clearly shows that Lewdua is doing a lot of shit right! They are creating engaging porn content that their community adores.

This is reflected on Lewdua’s Patreon. At the time of this porn review, Lewdua has 848 people giving them some money on Patreon. Do you know how hard it is to get that many cunts to give you money? That is some seriously impressive shit, Lewdua, well done! So yeah, I can’t fault Lewdua or its community at all. Everyone commenting on the posts of Lewdua seems to love the work, and that is great to see. It is awesome to see such a well-developed site being created with someone with a passion for delivering porn, that’s pretty rare right now!

Lewdua is awesome!

I cannot fault Lewdua at all. It has a awesome design. The layout is lovely. The speeds on this site would give it a great review by themselves, and the modern look makes me cum in my pants. The cartoons are really good too. Clearly, Lewdua knows how to draw and loves drawing porn. Plus, the community is one of the best porn communities I have ever seen!

Sure I would love to see Lewdua add some longer scenes to the website, but they may come in time. Who knows, Lewdua could release a comic book soon or start outsourcing some of their porn work to other artists. I think that Lewdua has a bright future in the porn world if they keep this up. Even I, the guy who hates cartoon porn, would be tempted to visit this cartoon porn site again. This is how all porn sites should work and feel. Lewdua is a nice place to be, if only it had some porn on it for adults, that would be lovely.

  • Great design
  • Lots of cartoons
  • Great community
  • Not many full comics