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A Literotica Introduction

Howdy folks, today I’m here to tell you all about one of my favorite erotic writing websites. Literotica has been around for years – and I really do mean that! This was the original place on the Internet to go if you wanted to read X-rated material and through all the years, it’s managed to maintain that spot at the top of the food chain.

Now I know what you’re thinking: why would you read a sex story instead of just watching porn? To that, I ask why would you read ANYTHING if there’s a movie of it? Yeah, erotic literature is great and if you’re not already reading it, you should be. Trust me: you can really get a good tug out of reading a naughty passage or two. People love books for a reason, and that’s because they’re awesome in ways that porn videos never will be.

Anyway, Literotica organizes all of its content into convenient categories such as anal, BDSM, fetish, group sex, mature and more. When you hit the stories page, use the left-hand pane to take a look through all of the different categories available. A word of warning here: there are literally thousands of stories available to be read on Literotica.

They’re sorted based on age, but you can also choose to go through them alphabetically or look at the most popular posts in each category. I recommend you look at the ultimate top list to start with: that should show you what the quality of erotic literature here is like.

A Dated Design

I don’t like to be all that negative when reviewing websites, but I do have to say that there’s this fetish in the erotic fiction community space for keeping the design of pages as basic as possible. Literotica looks like it was designed before the turn of the century – that’s because it was! I’d really like to see an update here but I guess on the whole, it’s not the end of the world. I personally take the text of stories I’m interested in and put them into a third-party website for better viewing – that might sound weird, but let me talk you through it and you’ll see why this is the best way to look at adult sex stories provided by Literotica.

First, we’ll grab a story from Literotica called Nicole In Our Bed. If you’re like me and you’ve got a pretty large screen, the text is crammed up on the left-hand side of the page and it doesn’t look all that neat. It’s not a terrible viewing experience, but it could be greatly improved, and for that, I use Outline. All you have to do is add ‘’ before a URL, hit enter and the rest will be done for you. Compare that story I just linked with this version on Outline – I think I know which one I’d prefer to look at.

The Literotica Top List

I’m of the opinion that most people who vote on porn-related things generally have a good idea of what makes something enjoyable – this is particularly true in the adult story space. Literotica has a list of the top sex stories as voted on by users of the site. These are conveniently sorted into different categories too, so no matter what you’re on the hunt for, you’ll find the cream of the crop with minimal effort.

There are just over 30 unique categories, but a few of them are combinations of different interest groups with inter-related interests. For instance, there’s just a single category on Literotica for transgender and cross dressing fiction, even though they’re technically quite different from one another. Stories are ranked based on the aggregate rating from everyone’s reviews, but there’s some minimum requirement before it will appear on the top list (for instance, a couple of 5-star reviews isn’t enough to take you to the top).

Some categories are less competitive than others – I think that the Incest/Taboo category is probably the one with the most readers: there are plenty of submitted stories here that have over 5,000 user ratings, with one currently at 25,000 ratings (and a 4.85 average).

Since Literotica has what is arguably the biggest collection of erotic stories on the Internet, it’s sometimes hard to find something that’s truly high quality. I do recommend that you utilize the ‘top list’ function if you’re new – this will ensure that you’re seeing some of the best written action out there in the scene. People take this stuff seriously, so if something gets a nomination in this space, you better believe that they’re likely pumping out some seriously decent erotic text.

The Legal Situation

There are some erotic story sites out there that have policies allowing ambiguous or underage characters to be written about – Literotica has a very clear writing policy that requires anyone involved in the story to be 18 years of age.

There are many parts of the world where depictions of underage individuals is illegal (Australia, for example), so this is certainly important to mention if you’re worried about getting busted by local law enforcement. Moreover, Literotica doesn’t allow bestiality as a topic, although supernatural beings such as unicorns and ghosts are permitted. Realistically speaking, this means that unless porn is banned in whichever country you’re in, the sex stories on Literotica are likely going to just fine for you to look at – so go right ahead and do exactly that!

Other Website Features

I think I’ve covered enough on the story side of things for now, so I want to talk a little about what else is offered at Literotica that you might be interested in. The first thing worth discussing is the toys and videos section – Literotica has a large sex store where they sell digital videos, physical DVDs, vibrators, anal toys, costumes and even sex machines. I had to take a look at their mechanical offerings and boy, did I find some pretty crazy stuff. One of the most expensive items is The Cowgirl Premium – this baby will set you back over $2,000 and is quite the specimen.

Hell, it’s even made with vegan leather, so if you’re an ethical slut then Literotica are here to help! You might also want to look at their best selling sex toys if you want an idea of what most people spend their money on at the Literotica adult store. Based on reviews of the service, it seems like they offer a competitive shop – I might have to grab a douche and butt plug combo once I’m done writing up this review.

Next stop is the Literotica Forums, where sex story addicts and porn enthusiasts alike have created over 56 million posts in more than 1 million threads. The General Board and Literotica Personals are the liveliest destinations, with thread topics ranging from ‘Business Travelers Unite’ through to ‘The Black Woman Is My Standard Of Beauty’. An interesting bunch here, and honestly, it’s probably one of the biggest adult-related forums that isn’t just a hub for sharing third-party content lockers for paysite material. If you’re serious about meeting others in the erotic fiction space, then the boards at Literotica are surely the way to go.

The last extra feature I want to mention are the chat rooms. I didn’t know these types of things still existed, but I guess that one thing services like Facebook can’t replace is the quest for finding others with similar sexual tastes and preferences. You’re required to have an account with Literotica in order to use this service, but they’ve kept up with the times and in 2016, they switched the Flash-based service they utilized before with a new HTML5, mobile-friendly design.

I didn’t spend too long in here, but there were some active discussions going and it has quite the community feel. Not too many rules, but obviously the usual stuff like no talking about illegal activities or spamming. You can still use the old design if you want, but it’s going to be retired in the near future (if you’re reading this in 2019, it might already be gone).

My Final Thoughts on Literotica

I think it goes without saying that Literotica is a top-tier destination to find adult stories, engage in a community of like-minded people and generally have a great time with hot erotic fiction. A few years ago I even wrote some stuff for the site: I won’t tell you where and you’ll never find it, but chances are if Mr. Porn Geek has used something before, it’s likely good. I think using Outline is the way to go for viewing the stories and if you do that, I can’t think of many reasons why you’d be disappointed about utilizing this free library featuring hundreds of thousands of X-rated smutty texts.

  • Thousands of stories
  • Updates regularly
  • Most popular site
  • Ugly site design
  • A little hard to navigate