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What’s LoveVoodoo got to do, got to do with it?

LoveVoodoo is a swinging site. Now, if you’re looking for a swing for your kids to play on, skip this site, don’t fucking click on it. However, if you are looking for another couple or a single to fuck the living shit out of, you’re in the right place. Or are you? Is LoveVoodoo the best place to find swingers in your area or is the site full of a load of old bollocks? Well, there’s only one way to find the fuck out! We’ve got to review this cunt, so let’s get the fuck on with it, shall we?

The swingers on LoveVoodoo

LoveVoodoo has a fuck load of couples on it ready to have a good time. Whether you are on holiday somewhere and want to find some sexy locals to fuck during your visit, you can. Or if you fancy some home town swinging action, you’ll find plenty of people on LoveVoodoo to fulfil your wildest fantasies. Of course, the action in your local city depends on how many members of LoveVoodoo are located in your city, but there does seem to be a really healthy community on this swinging site!

A nice feature of LoveVoodoo

A really cool feature of LoveVoodoo is the articles that are featured on the homepage before you sign in and on the blog section of the site. These articles are all about swinging, some are sexy little tips, and others are really informative articles about the swinging scene. If you like knowing all the swinging news, you’ll love this section, it is interesting! Some of it is complete bollocks, but some of it is good shit too.

The design of LoveVoodoo

I always find that the best-designed sex community sites have the best communities. Well, LoveVoodoo has a great community because their site is fucking awesome. The design of this swingers site is one of the best I have seen, and it feels really responsive and its a happy place to be. You can tell a lot about a swingers site from their design and this swingers site feels very professional, fun and sexy, just like its members!

The Geeks final thoughts on LoveVoodoo

LoveVoodoo is a great swinging site, I would go as far as to say one of the best swinging sites in the world. They have tonnes of info for new swingers on the site and plenty of ways of finding and contacting other swingers in your area. If you fancy giving swinging a try but don’t know the rules and shit, check out LoveVoodoo. They can help you improve your sex life, find some naughty couples in your area and get you ready for a life of fun swinging around the world! Great job, LoveVoodoo, now, where did I leave that rope? I need to go an install a swing in my garden!

  • Great design
  • Massive community
  • Some sexy articles
  • Must be a member