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MacroMastia – boobs as a far as the eye can see!

MacroMastia is a collection of image galleries of the biggest boobs you have ever seen in your life! These boobs are insanely big. They are awesome. And the boobs on MacroMastia ain’t just floating around on the pages either. They are doing all kinds of tit wanks, dildo playing, cumshots and a fuck load more. If you love some massive tits, you got to check out this site, don’t worry it won’t take you long!

The porn on MacroMastia

Well, as I wade through the massive boobs on this site, I have to say, there aren’t that many boobs on this porn site. There are 29 pages of image galleries on this site, with perhaps 10 galleries per page. That isn’t many boobs, but the boobs that do feature on this site are awesome! So, I can’t decide whether the porn is shit or not. There isn’t much porn on this site, but what is on there is amazing, let’s leave it at that before I get a boob headache!

The confusing design of MacroMastia

Most porn image galleries websites offer you a hint of what the image gallery is about on the main pages of the site. However, MacroMastia decided to do shit a bit differently. When you click on a porn image gallery on this site, you just get the same lot of images as you’ve just been looking at on the main page. They are the same images, the same size, you can’t click on any of the images to make them bigger, and you can’t do anything else on this porn page apart from look at the ads below the images. This is a confusing design, why not just have all the image galleries on the main page, why bother with this additional porn page if fuck all happens?

The ladies on MacroMastia

Well, the ladies on MacroMastia very much make this site amazing! Forget every shit thing I have said about MacroMastia so far. I love big boobs, and the ladies on this site have some of the biggest and dirtiest I have ever been fortunate enough to come across. However, there are amateur big boobs too, well, the boobs are pros, that’s for sure, but they belong to amateurs. So, there is a lot of shit amateur porn on MacroMastia that you have to wade through to get to the ladies that can actually take a sexy photo.

MacroMastia overall

MacroMastia is a pretty good porn site. Sure the design needs works, some of the ladies need to learn how to take a picture, and there aren’t many porn photos on the site, but fuck all that! These boobs are massive, and you’ve got to fucking see them!

  • Massive boobs
  • Some good quality images
  • Lots of bad amateurs
  • Pretty bad design
  • Not many galleries