Website Rank #308
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What in the fuck is MagPost?

I got excited when I saw MagPost come up. I thought it might be a site where someone has created a massive collection of porn mags. Wouldn’t that be awesome! A huge, digital collection of porn mags where you could see all the fucked personals and stuff! MagPost, however, isn’t that, instead, it is a pretty mediocre porn tube site.

Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t much wrong with MagPost, but there isn’t much good about this site either. How much is wrong with this site I hear you cry! Well, grab your favourite porn mag, your pet magpie and your gun magazine and follow me on a journey full of twists, turns and porn, some very mediocre porn!

The design of MagPost

I’m conflicted by the design of MagPost. Typically, I would give this site a thumbs up for its design, but I can’t on this occasion. The site is fairly modern, but it is lacking something. This site appears to be really fresh and modern and really look cool, but the more you are on this site, the more you notice how unfinished it looks. It does look modern, but the scaffolding is certainly still erect too!

This is all too noticeable when you start watching the porn. The speeds on this site are god awful. Every page that you try to load takes a week and all the porn buffers like a crazy man possessed. If this is your normal site that you actually use to get off, you must have the patience of a saint with a dildo in their pussy. I could not use this site to jerk off, not a fucking chance.

I think the reason for this site being so slow is that it is trying to be more modern than it is capable of. You see, all the porn videos have fantastically shot thumbnails, all the thumbnails also play a preview and every single porn video that I have tried has been in HD. All this can slow a site down massively, and so porn sites need a lot of space to move on their server, if they don’t have that, you end up with the problems that MagPost has. MagPost is deathly slow, which is a damn shame!

The porn on MagPost

Well, just like this site being deathly slow, the porn is also pretty deathly. Every scene on this site, so far, is pretty boring, to be honest. There isn’t much really good porn on MagPost which I don’t get for such a modern-looking site. You’d think this site would have the best, of the best porn on it, but it simply doesn’t! All of the porn is HD, as I said, but none of it is particularly good.

Plus, most of the porn on this site is below the 10-minute mark. There is some porn on this site that reaches over the 10-minute mark and even some full-length scenes, but none of them are that good. This is such a shame. For such a great-looking porn site I really expected a lot from it. Perhaps that the trouble, perhaps MagPost looks too good. Like it has all the inches on its cock it could ever need, but can only last seconds when fucking.

Hold up, I just found a Nicole Aniston video, this could save this site! Oh nope, it’s an eight-minute video of her in a bath. It’s damn good, but not her best work! Damn it, MagPost.

Things I’d changed about MagPost

Well, apart from everything, I would change the layout, design, the porn and the speeds of MagPost. Nope, that is pretty much everything! MagPost just feels like an unfinished site. The design is nice, but needs work. The layout of the images is good, but I hate the little corner thing that tells you how long the porn video is. The porn is mediocre shit that belongs in the trash rather than on a site and the speeds are so shocking that you can barely watch the shit porn!

I would say, out of all of those things, the design of MagPost needs to change the least. It is a nice design and if MagPost fixed everything else I just mentioned, they wouldn’t need to bother about the design of this site at all. The trouble is, because the porn takes so long to load and the porn is shit, you have a lot of time to pick apart the layout and design and stuff. Fix the speeds and add better porn and no one will give a fuck about the slightly strange but modern design and layout.

The Geeks final thoughts on MagPost

MagPost is close to good, but still far enough away from a good porn site that it won’t get a really good score. The trouble with this site is that it looks like a very modern and stylish site, so when it isn’t, it is really noticeable. At least with a poorly designed site, you expect slow speeds and shit porn, but with a site like this, you expect to see some good shit and it just isn’t there.

I feel really bad about giving MagPost a bad review. Normally I prefer the bad reviews to the good ones, they are much more fun to write. But MagPost is clearly trying its best, I feel like I have just kicked a puppy or slapped the disabled kid at school on the top of his bald head! You can do better than this MagPost. Fix the porn and the speeds and we’ll forgive the rest! You got this shit, MagPost. Now, where is that disable kid, I need to see what it’s like to fuck in a wheelchair!

  • HD porn
  • Some full-length porn
  • Loads slow
  • Mediocre porn
  • Bad design