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On the hunt with ManHunt

ManHunt is the place to go if you want to find a gay man in your area. Now, the gay men on this site are not here to take you lovely ladies shopping or make your hair look fabulous, they are on ManHunt to fuck and fuck hard! If you need a gay man to fuck your brains out, ManHunt could well be the best site for you to find that man.

Of course, ManHunt is grinding right up against Grindr, which is better I hear you cry? Well, grab your butterfly net, your odd white suit with the shorts and your stupid little hat and let’s go and catch some gay men, shall we?

Your profile on ManHunt

On ManHunt, you have a few options when it comes to membership. You can have a free account on ManHunt or a VIP one. I set up a free one and I was surprised at what I could do. I had worldwide access to a fuck load of gay men. I could search anywhere I wanted to and keep an eye on men that I added to my buddy list. I could also video chat with anyone I wanted too and see who had checked me out. This all sounds pretty normal for a site, but ManHunt gets better. You can upload 16 photos on ManHunt and these include ass, cock and sex photos!! That is pretty cool, even though it takes some of the imagination out of the flirting, but it’s a nice touch!

Being a VIP on ManHunt

Being a VIP on ManHunt basically gives you everything above but on steroids! You can chat to anyone worldwide without any limits at all! Basically, if you love fucking a lot of gay men (and who doesn’t), ManHunt VIP is the choice you should make. But, of course, you can choose to upgrade your ManHunt account at any time.

The Geek’s final thoughts on ManHunt

I am surprised by ManHunt, it is really good. There are millions of gay guys on the site that are looking to fuck! If you’re looking for gay dating, this ain’t the site for you, but if you’re down for a dick in your ass on the regular, you’ll fucking love ManHunt. There are some ads on this gay site which can be annoying, but if you become a VIP these go away and you get a lot for your money!

So, which is better, ManHunt or Grindr? Well, as a straight man, I don’t think this is for me to judge. But I will say that I was impressed with ManHunt. It is a great place to find a fuck for the night, I have found two already and I’ve only been on ManHunt for five minutes.  Now, how do I break it to these lovely lads that I was just here to review it? Help!

  • Great design
  • Responsive
  • Lots of members
  • Great profile options
  • Must be a member