Website Rank #459


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What is MegaPornFreeHD

MegaPornFreeHD looks to be a fairly good gay site. I say fairly good because there is a shit load wrong with this gay porn site, I will get to that in a bit. However, for now, the porn on MegaPornFreeHD is at least HD and full-length. This is actually quite surprising for a gay site. My experience with gay sites, although limited, has shown that not many gay sites have full-length gay porn on them and if they do, this porn isn’t HD. So, compared to some complete shit shows in this porn niche, MegaPornFreeHD is a breath of fresh air!

As I said though, MegaPornFreeHD certainly isn’t perfect, not by a long shot. However, can MegaPornFreeHD keep this going and get a reasonably good score in this review? Well, we ain’t going to find that shit out if we stay in this section of this review for much longer are we dear reader. So, let’s delve deep into the asshole of this porn review and see what the fuck our cock has on the end of it afterwards, shall we?

The styling of MegaPornFreeHD

The styling of MegaPornFreeHD is dog shit. Seriously, it doesn’t take much to make a nice looking site so why are there so many porn sites in the world that look like this pile of shit? All a porn site needs is a basic design, some modern colours and that is it. Of course, a site needs some power behind it to run the porn, but you can invest your money in that shit rather than shit designs like this one.

The design of this porn looks like PornHub if it had a really bad day and all of the bits and bobs of its styling failed to work. The just off-black background, the orange text, everything is the same as this porn giant just everything is worse than it. Why the fuck bother to make your design look like a shitter version than the biggest name in porn? We can spot that shit from a mile away MegaPornFreeHD, you ain’t fooling any fucker with this design, it is a load of fucking shit and is in desperate need of a makeover.

The porn on MegaPornFreeHD

The porn on MegaPornFreeHD looks to be awesome. There are shit loads of full-length gay porn scenes on this site that look to be HD, and some could even be 4K. I say “could” for a good reason. I am not against watching gay porn and do watch gay porn to conduct these reviews for you lovely folk, but I can’t watch any of the porn on MegaPornFreeHD. The reason for this is that MegaPornFreeHD blocks you from watching porn videos if you have AdBlocker on. Now, although this is annoying, it isn’t a problem, I just turn mine off. However, just like most of these sites that do this shit, when you do turn AdBlocker off, the site can’t see this, so the videos still don’t work.

So, MegaPornFreeHD could have the best gay porn in the world on it, but how the fuck would we know? It would seem that if AdBlocker has ever been anywhere near your browser, you ain’t going to be able to watch the porn on this site. What a shame! I would love to tell you that the porn on MegaPornFreeHD is amazing, but as I can’t watch it, it is yet another nail in the coffin of this site.

The shit MegaPornFreeHD needs to figure out

You need to fix the shitty design of this site MegaPornFreeHD. We know that you are trying to look like PornHub and it won’t work. Your design is like the special little brother of PornHub, rather than competition for it. If you think that you are competing with PornHub, you are vastly wrong. You wouldn’t be competition for PornHub if they had an accident and smacked their head really hard!

The next thing you need to do is you need to sort out your porn. Just let us watch your porn! Why not try and seek ads from gay porn companies rather than relying on ads generated by Google? These ads probably don’t make you much money anyway as they are generic for all sites, so they are likely just ads about Jasmine webcams and shit like that. There is a lot that MegaPornFreeHD needs to figure out. I could go on, but I can’t be bothered. I can see a lost cause when I smell one!

The Geek’s final thoughts on MegaPornFreeHD

MegaPornFreeHD could have been a great gay site, but they fucked that. They fucked that the moment they decided to paint their site like PornHub. They fucked that the moment they tried to block cunts from watching the porn and they fucked that when they offended me in every other way they have with their shitty list of categories and stuff. So yeah, MegaPornFreeHD is pretty shit, to be honest.

The biggest fucking nail in this porn sites coffin is the porn videos not working. You see, what you did with that was piss off someone trying to watch porn on a site that puts them in mind of a very popular site that they know has a shit load of gay porn on it. So the moment your AdBlocker shit came up, they just went to PornHub! So, your styling and your porn blocking bollocks really fucked you up there MegaPornFreeHD!

  • Full-length porn
  • Some HD Porn
  • Responsive
  • Crap styling
  • Videos don't work with blocker