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What is ModLand?

ModLand is a pretty awful looking website. When I just got on to this site I thought that it must be a bloody joke, surely, this was just a page before the porn, right? RIGHT! Nope, ModLand is just full of ads for other porn sites, the ads look quite nice, but they are porn ads all the same. Click on anything on ModLand and you are transported to another teen site to explore that one too. So, ModLand doesn’t have any porn on it, but that is only the bloody beginning of the shit stuff with this site.

The awful design of ModLand

ModLand has one of those awful bloody backgrounds that we all had on bloody Myspace, you know the single colour with the stupid pattern that looked like your nan’s carpet? Then the styling gets worst as the rest of the page is just a crapload of ads. Now, as I said, the porn ads on this site aren’t actually too bad. They do look a bit like a low-rent Vegas with all the flashing lights and shit, but they are okay. However, this just reaffirms how awful the actual design of ModLand is, it is bloody terrible! I would ask ModLand to sort out their design, but what is the bloody point? This is just a porn site that links to a crapload of other sites, I doubt anyone actually uses this pile of damn garbage so I won’t bother.

Where’s the porn ModLand?

Where is the damn porn? Oh, that’s right, silly me, the porn is on another site! Yeah, so I have to go on your site, find a cool looking porn site mixed up with all the flashing ads, click on that, then go through their porn videos, right out that the only porn they have on their site just trailers to porn scenes which are seconds long, close that one, and try again? That is exactly what I’ve been doing on ModLand since I got on here. Isn’t this a bloody fun way to watch porn! I bet all you lovely bastards have missed doing this, haven’t ya? What a fucking joke!

The Geek’s final thoughts on ModLand

Yeah, ModLand is bloody terrible. Not in the “the porn needs a little work and the design could use a revamp” way, but a “give the fuck up and get a real job” way. This site reminds me of everything I hated about porn sites of the past. The crap design, the thousands of ads and the links to other sites that don’t work either. Porn has moved on a lot in recent years, and I think it must be said that porn has left ModLand and other sites that look like it behind them! Fuck this pile shit, it is terrible!

  • Some good links
  • Some links to porn videos
  • Crap design
  • Just links to porn