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What is Neswangy?

Neswangy is a odd little porn site. It has a bunch of Arabic porn on it, and I feel sorry for any cunt that has to use this site to jerk off. I am just assuming that this is Arabic porn, by the way. It appears to be in Arabic, and all the ladies look to be Arabic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I am wrong about this. However, this wouldn’t be the first bloody time a Western cunt wrongly accused an Arab of something really bad, would it! Is Neswangy as bad as I think it is right now? Well, dear reader, we better review this cunt and find the fuck out, hadn’t we?

The design of Neswangy

The design of Neswangy is just as dinghy as some of the lighting on the porn. It just feels like a nasty place to spend some time. I can’t really explain why Neswangy isn’t enjoyable, it is just a dark site without much good shit on it. Also, if you are trying to view Neswangy with AdBlocker on, it blocks you from watching any porn, something I can’t stand. So yeah, Neswangy is a dark, dinghy and horrible place to watch some porn, and the porn doesn’t make up for this shit either.

The porn on Neswangy

There is a butt load of amateur porn on Neswangy which can sometimes work, but in this case, the porn on Neswangy is awful. As I said, the amateur porn on this site has shit lighting, but it is the setting of the porn that creeps me the fuck out the most. Most of the porn is shot in really messy bedrooms or a living room that looks as though it is one step up from a mud hut. This is nothing against the culture of the cunts in the porn videos, but there certainly aren’t many interior designers in whatever country this porn is made in. The settings of the porn are really bollocks. And the porn is just mediocre at best, which is actually being nice about the porn, I have seen better fucking when I have quickly spotted my fat ass in the mirror bouncing up and down as I drive my shrivelling cock into my wife’s bored pussy.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Neswangy

Neswangy is a shit site. It has a bad design that is depressing and makes all the porn look fucking shit. The porn does a great job at making itself look shit too! I mean, the amateurs on this site really shouldn’t bother making porn videos, they clearly cannot fuck to save their lives. If you value your boner, don’t watch the porn on Neswangy it may disappear forever.

  • Lots of porn
  • Updated regularly
  • A few hotties
  • Lots of bad porn
  • Dinghy design
  • Bad translations