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Mr. Porn Geek’s review of NSFW HTML5

This is probably one of the hardest subreddits to write the title of, just because I have to hit the caps lock button for the purposes of spamming NSFW_HTML5. On this particular Reddit community, you’re going to find posts that are purely devoted to clips of erotic entertainment. There are subreddits like NSFW_GIF and they also have the same type of material (the .GIF file format is so old basically no one should ever use it), but this one is just going to stick to the new name so you know exactly what you’re getting. For the record, HTML5 is just shorthand for MP4/WebM and other video clip embeds that weren’t possible 10 years ago. Alright – let me crack on with this review now and tell you all about NSFW_HTML5!

Objective metrics on NSFW_HTML5

I love starting off reviews with some objective analysis, so let’s start there with our coverage of NSFW_HTML5. Firstly, this subreddit was created back in November of 2013 – making it around 6 years old at the time of writing this review. To date, over 228,000 people have decided to follow this community for their content, which puts it into the top 150 NSFW subreddits by number of subscribers. If we hit the ‘new’ button that sorts posts based on upload date, you’ll see that around 5 new links are added on a daily basis. I have to be quite honest here: this is far below what I’d expect for a community with this focus and this size. Very disappointed that they can’t give at least 25 links every 24 hours, which is what they ought to be managing.

Enjoying clips at /r/NSFW_HTML5

Let’s go ahead and look at some of the clips on NSFW_HTML5, because that’s what we’re here to do at the end of the day. Since so few posts are added on a daily basis, I made the decision to look at this subreddit’s top rated entries since its inception. I was pleased to see that every single post came from GFYCat – Reddit has its own video hosting service and it’s absolutely dog shit. I checked out all of the top 50 links and found a pretty common theme: top notch porn from all different niches. You’ll see amateurs, professionals, a little bit of original content, femdom stuff and straight throat fucking: NSFW HTML5 is an equal opportunist when it comes to fetishes. Here are two of my favorite clips that I came across: clip one and clip two. Enjoy!

NSFW HTML5: Mr. Porn Geek’s final thoughts

If you’re looking to squeeze your hog over a bunch of porn clips that are uploaded to GFYCat, I’d highly recommend that you just find one of the biggest places that updates far more often than NSFW_HTML5 does. I’m not sure if they have really strict rules or just fall behind the competition for another reason, but Mr. Porn Geek is less than enthusiastic about the adult XXX situation presented on NSFW_HTML5. Thanks for reading and make sure you also check out all of Mr. Porn Geek’s other Reddit community reviews!

  • Lots of clips
  • No GIFs allowed
  • Some strict rules
  • Low submission rate