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What the fuck is Orgasmatrix?

Orgasmatrix is a pretty interesting site. It is a porn site that is sort of a porn blog, but it has a lot of videos on it too. Orgasmatrix is certainly one for the porn nerds like me, but there is a load of good quality porn videos for anyone on Orgasmatrix too. Is Orgasmatrix a perfect site? Of course not! There’s some stuff that Orgasmatrix could improve on that I’ll get to in a bit.

However, from the moment you get on Orgasmatrix, you begin enjoying the site. Well, actually, it does take a few moments to figure out what the fuck is going on on this site, but when you do figure out that it is basically a porn blog where you can watch porn videos with every blog post, you quickly start enjoying it. Orgasmatrix has porn news, interviews with girls, random pornstars that you may have forgotten about or pornstars that have left the porn industry for good. Sounds great, but as you’ll see, Orgasmatrix isn’t as easy to understand as I am making out right here. Let’s delve into the pussy of this review and see what comes out on the end of our cock, shall we?

The porn on Orgasmatrix

Well, when I first got on Orgasmatrix, it thought the porn videos were very spread out, and they all had really long descriptions. However, a quick look at the porn posts and you realise that all of the posts are actually blog posts with porn videos inside them. Each post is about a random thing that has happened in porn or a pornstar, and each post holds on average 3 porn videos. This is pretty cool I thought each post may just be one porn video which would have been disappointing, but nope, Orgasmatrix had sorted out this complaint before they even knew I had this complaint building inside me.

All of the porn on Orgasmatrix works, there’s no ads, it’s all HD, and all of it is the short scenes that you find on the likes of PornHub. I can’t really complain about the porn on Orgasmatrix. It is just the mainstream porn that is available on pretty much every site, and there is an article that accompanies the porn too.

The blog posts on Orgasmatrix

Right, I think Orgasmatrix is an Italian site. So, all of the porn blog posts are in Italian. I could be wrong about the language, but it’s in a different language than I speak, okay. So, the only way to read the porn articles is to use Google Translate. If you’ve ever used this shitty little thing, you’ll know how impossible it is to read the thing you have translated with it because it is a direct translation that makes no sense at all.

I know this isn’t Orgasmatrix’s fault, but it is still really annoying. I was really hoping that this porn blog would be an interesting read, but I can’t understand a word written on this cunt! I would love to see Orgasmatrix do some posts in English, even if they have to hire some other porn nerd to do the posts. So many porn people around the world speak English that this could make Orgasmatrix an international success rather than a succes in Italy or whereever the fuck they come from. They could still highlight Italian pornstar and make them shine, but share them with the world rather than their fellow Italians.

The design of Orgasmatrix

I bring up the design of Orgasmatrix simply to tell other sites about it. This is what a porn site in 2019 should look like. The design of Orgasmatrix is very simple, but it works perfectly. It is just a simple porn blog layout that any blog in the world has, but it feels modern and like a nice place to watch some porn. I am sick of shitty little porn sites that offer nothing in the way of design, I want to see more sites like Orgasmatrix because it is 2019 and not 1919!

I cannot fault the design on Orgasmatrix, it is as close to perfect as a site can be. Well done Orgasmatrix! Every part of this site is layout well; everything is easy to access and the porn just works! That’s all you need from a site, a modern, nice feeling design that plays porn! Why the fuck is this so complicated for other fucking sites to understand? Now, if only I could understand a word on your site, I would be giving you full marks.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Orgasmatrix

Well, I would love to say that Orgasmatrix is perfect as it really is in everything like design and the porn videos. Of course, the porn is all normal stuff that you’ll find on every site in the world, but that’s fine because there is a cool story behind every porn video on this site that comes along with the porn! However, that is my issue, I can’t understand what the fuck these blog posts are about because I can’t speak the native tongue of whatever the fuck this site is written in. I would love Orgasmatrix to do some posts in English as I am interested in what they have to say about the porn world.

I think that Orgasmatrix could be one of the most interesting porn sites in the world. You certainly aren’t going to go to Orgasmatrix for a quick jerk, but if you have some time to kill, catch up on the porn news. That’s why I love the idea behind Orgasmatrix, but I can’t understand anything on the site! Great job otherwise Orgasmatrix.

  • Great designs
  • Good videos
  • Interesting blog
  • Shit translations