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Passion X – Mr. Porn Geek’s analysis

Most of the biggest subreddits out there are very much geared toward men watching – you’ll find that when it comes to adult entertainment, one of the smallest represented groups are women! At least the traditional type of woman anyway: someone’s who not looking for hardcore anal pounding, throat fucking or that type of thing where women are sexual objects as opposed to companions for exploration. That’s all about to change today though, since Mr. Porn Geek is going to write up a review on a destination by the name of Passion X. If you’re looking for porn that’s a little more sensual, erotic and lusty with a focus on couple-friendliness, continue reading and I’ll tell you all about Passion X.

Objective metrics on Passion X

To start with, I just want to point out that I was really impressed with the fact that this community has been around for over 8 years. See, /r/PassionX started all the way back in November of 2010, meaning that it’s soon closing in on a decade of existence – pretty cool if you ask me. Since its inception, Passion X has collected 183,000 subscribers, which places it neatly in the top 200 NSFW subreddits if we just look at the raw number of followers that each one has. Perhaps the most important objective metric to look at is the rate of new posts, which we’ll do now by sorting all posts on Passion X chronologically. I must admit that the rate here wasn’t terrible with roughly 25 posts every 2 days, but it’s far below some similarly sized destinations. I get that the niche is somewhat hard to come across though, so it’s not worth crying too much.

Sampling the content at PassionX

Let’s go ahead and look at some of the content now – I can’t wait to see just how sensual the love making here is! To get us underway, Mr. Porn Geek is going to sort all of the posts from the last year by popularity: this ought to show us the cream of the cream as well as what’s considered ‘hot’ right now when it comes to passionate, couple friendly smut. Almost all of the top posts here are via GFYCat, which is exactly what I’d expect – Mr. Porn Geek thinks that clips are really important when it comes to this niche. As for what I enjoyed and think is representative of the subreddit, these lusty uploads were probably my favorite: link one and link two.

Final thoughts on /r/PassionX

If you’re tired of the standard vanilla porn style or just want to try something a little more erotic, definitely check out Passion X. This is the largest sensual sex focused community that Reddit has to offer and they’ve got some real high quality productions here for you to take a look at. Submission rate could be better, but you can’t complain too hard with all of the smut that’s available. Definitely one of the better subreddits to share with your girlfriend too, so if you’re looking to watch XXX productions with a partner, check it out! As always, thanks for reading and happy hog squeezing: Mr. Porn Geek is always on hand to suggest great places on Reddit for NSFW entertainment.

  • Lots of clips
  • Erotic porn
  • Reasonable rules
  • Slow to update
  • Hereo only