Website Rank #26


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What is PichaLoca?

PichaLoca looks to be a great site. I haven’t been on this site long, I like to write this part of my sexy and humble reviews before I spend much time on a site. This bit of my stunningly beautiful reviews are basically my first impressions of a site. And my first impressions of PichaLoca are good. This gay site has full-length porn as far as the eye can see. In fact, there are so many full-length gay porn scenes on this site that I am surprised this site functions at all.

Now, you may be able to see from the shot of PichaLoca that the design is lacking in a few areas. However, none of the stylings of this site matter at all. There are thousands of porn videos on this site that go well over the 20-minute mark. When a site has this amount of full-length videos, I ain’t going to mark the thing down for looking a little rusty. However, that doesn’t get PichaLoca out of the woods yet! PichaLoca can still get a low score if it fucks up at any point during this review. So don’t breathe your sigh of relief just yet PichaLoca. Let’s review this site, shall we?

The porn on PichaLoca

So, as you can imagine, I was impressed with the porn on this site. This is a gay porn site, so there are a fuck load of the best gay pornstars in the world featured on this site. There are a shit load of solo videos, fuck loads of sex scenes and loads of just awesome porn! I mean, I can’t say anything bad about the porn on here (at least in this section of this porn review, this insanely amazing porn review). This shit is just good, and anyone who loves a bit of gay porn will love this shit!

I say anyone because I found out recently that fuck loads of straight women love watching gay porn. You would think that these lovely ladies would love the solo videos, after all, it doesn’t matter what the guy is thinking about, he’s just jerking his gherkin. However, no, women love watching men suck dick! Not sure why, not sure if I’m late to the party on this, not sure it matters at all, but if you like watching gay men suck dick than PichaLoca is a great site for you. Well, sort of.

What is going on with gay porn sites like PichaLoca?

As I’m sure some of our long term sexy as hell readers know, the Geek is straight. However, I have been reviewing gay sites for a while now, so I know my way around gay sites by now. Something strange that I have noticed about lots of gay site is that so many of them have fairly old porn videos. Now, these ain’t porn videos from the 80s’ or anything, but they are probably from the early 2010s’. That is really interesting to me. I bring this up is because PichaLoca is just the same. This great site seems to have loads and loads of gay porn that is quite a few years old, or at least, looks to be a few years old.

I know that brand new gay porn videos are coming out all the time, I have seen them on other gay sites. So why do sites like PichaLoca only focus on older porn? Is it because this porn gets reported less or is it because this porn is modern, but the cameras and equipment are older? I have no bloody clue, but I just thought I’d bring this shit up.

The changes I’d love to see PichaLoca make

PichaLoca isn’t perfect, it is a damn fine site, but it does need a little work. Firstly, I would love to see a sexy little update of the design. I know that I said the styling of this site was cool, but if they did update it, it would be fucking awesome. You see, this site has the most amount of full-length porn on it that I have ever seen on a gay site, yet the design isn’t quite inviting enough to get cunts to the site. So, if they could update the design of this site just a little bit, it doesn’t need much, this would make this site a massive success.

Next up, you’ve guessed it, add some full-length porn that was shot this year. As I said, I have no clue when this porn was shot, the pornstars that are in it or anything like that, but the porn looks old. If it looks old, it probably is. I would love to see PichaLoca put some new porn up on here. If they did, they would be competing with the big boys, and that would be cool as shit.

The Geek’s final thoughts on PichaLoca

So, having just shat all over PichaLoca, I have to say that this site is really good. The backend (pun) of this site has some impressive power behind it. The fact that there are hundreds, probably thousands, of full-length porn videos on this site and it has loaded all of these flawlessly is nothing short of excellent. I would say that hands down, PichaLoca is the best small gay site I have reviewed. And if PichaLoca listens to my advice above, they would quickly become one of the biggest porn sites in the world. So, do it, PichaLoca. I want to see you fucking destroy the competition and become the best gay porn site in the world, you can thank me later.

  • Long porn videos
  • Some HD porn
  • Acceptable design
  • Oldish porn