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MrPornGeek checks out PlayVids

PlayVids is a great site. It is full of excellent porn that will wet your dirty little whistle nicely. PlayVids is a pretty typical site that has all the offerings from the big names in porn that you’ve come to expect from most sites. However, where PlayVids differs from most sites is that everything on the site feels nice and works great. It is a nice porn site to watch porn on because everything works as it should.

PlayVids may not be a very familiar name to you, it is quite a small site, or at least, I had never heard of it before this review. However, it is a very impressive site. It is full of porn, most of the porn is short length scenes from all of the big names, but there are some full-length scenes on the site too. This is really nice to see and certainly separates PlayVids from other smaller sites. Let’s get deep inside the ass of this review and see if there is anything that PlayVids isn’t doing that it should.

The design of PlayVids

The design of PlayVids is nothing short of excellent. It is a very fresh and modern site that puts porn to the forefront of the site. It is also a very responsive site, which is very nice to see as they are hosting all the porn offering themselves. Typically, modern-looking sites like these can lack speed when they are hosting full-length porn videos, but not PlayVids. The layout of the porn is really nice too. The moment you get on the homepage you are exposed to some of the most popular porn scenes and featured stuff. A lot of this porn is stuff that isn’t even on the likes of PornHub yet. Of course, a lot of the featured porn on this site is short, most of the porn is about eight minutes long, but the scenes are good enough to make you get your little Johnson out and have a tug.

Overall, the whole of PlayVids feels very nice and is very responsive. So far, all of the porn I have tried has worked, and it is all in HD. There is a slight buffering issue on some porn videos, but quite honestly, I was expecting this to be terrible, so I can forgive a few seconds of buffering!

The porn on PlayVids

As I said, most of the porn on PlayVids is short, around eight minutes or so. However, there is also some porn scenes on the front page that are over 20 minutes long. All told, there are about 10 porn videos on the homepage that go over 20 minutes, which is really nice to see. So many sites like PlayVids rely too heavily on shorter videos. These shorter videos very rarely offer enough time to cum, and you end up rushing right at the end because you’re close, but not close enough! You should never rush a wank, it is disrespectful to your cock, to porn and everything holy! So, it’s nice to see some longer porn on PlayVids.

Every single porn video that I have tried on Play Vids has worked very well. The video page loads very quickly, and there are no ads (as always, I am using AdBlocker to conduct this review). The only slight issue with the porn is that there is a slight buffering period around a minute into the video. This a few seconds long, but it may be enough to throw you off of your wanking momentum.

Additional features for PlayVids to consider

There isn’t anything that PlayVids needs to add to this site. You can download from PlayVids, you can follow your favourite porn channels on the site, you can browse pornstars and categories easily, there is a rating system, and you can comment on the porn too. PlayVids has everything that all the big sites have, but it has an even cleaner look than most of the big websites too! Honestly, I cannot fault PlayVids too much at all.

Of course, PlayVids isn’t perfect, it is seriously fucking close to perfect, but the buffering issues on the porn videos stops this site getting full marks from us. I know that this is a tiny issue, but with a site as perfect as this, tiny issues like that are more noticeable. If PlayVids fixed this issue with the videos, this site would be the one that we compared every other site to in these reviews, it is honestly that good.

The Geeks final thoughts on PlayVids

PlayVids is a fucking excellent site. It has all the porn on it you could ever want from all the most popular porn companies in the world. Yeah, most of it is mainstream porn, but that’s how sites like these make their money, and there are some cracking ladies on it that will get even the most shrivelled raisin-like cock hard! Honestly, I would compare Play Vids to PornHub and the other big names in the industry, it is truly that good. Yeah sure, there’s a few minor issues with this site, but none of the big names are perfect either!

Plus, PlayVids has access to some of the newest porn in the business, as I said, there are some porn videos on this site that aren’t up on the other big names yet! So, if you want to enjoy the latest porn, check out, you’ll love it! This porn site is so close to perfect that we will likely give it 5 fists as the issues that stop it being perfect are issues that the other big sites have as well. PlayVids is the place to go for the latest and greatest in the porn world, and we love it!

  • Good quality porn
  • Great design
  • Responsive
  • Some buffering
  • Lots of short videos