Mr. Porn Geek visits /r/Pokies
As someone who spent a long time in Australia, I was slightly surprised to see just how many people were subscribed to /r/Pokies. See, in the land down under where everything is allegedly trying to kill you (it’s not, by the way), pokies is a word used to describe slot machine games and associated gambling products: I thought this was going to be all about them! Turns out I was completely wrong and yeah, the more obvious, erotic explanation was the reality of the deal here on Pokies. For those who haven’t figured it out yet, /r/Pokies is a subreddit for girls with nipples showing through their clothing. A simple idea, but how well does it do? Continue reading and I’ll tell you.
The metrics and data on Pokies
So to begin this review, Mr. Porn Geek wants to talk a little bit about the objective nature of the content on /r/Pokies. Originally created back in September of 2011, a total of just over 185,000 people have decided to sign up here – not a bad figure to say the very least. In fact, according to my data that I’ve collected, /r/Pokies is one of the top 200 NSFW Reddit communities when we compare them against one another just based on the flat value of subscribers that they have. The last metric I want to mention is the flow of links, which we can determine by sorting all posts chronologically using the new tab. Turns out that /r/Pokies isn’t all that active – roughly 50 posts on a weekly basis is what you’re getting and although that’s not bad, it’s hardly amazing either.
Pokies: subjective content analysis
You’d typically want to look at the top-rated posts from the last month to get a good idea of what a particular subreddit is like, but Mr. Porn Geek is instead going to have to look at the best of the best over the last year instead. What was quite surprising to me was the fact that a decent chunk of the posts here were to GFYCat – it was only around 25%, but I figured you’d have maybe 1 or 2 clips in the top 50 posts, let alone over a dozen! They were pretty damn decent too: just look at this delicious chick on a crop top who happens to be playing with herself. Overall, I was happy with the obvious nipples on display here: I know a lot of guys are going to love this place and the content they have to offer.
Conclusion on /r/Pokies
So wrapping up my review here, Mr. Porn Geek would like to say that while new posts are somewhat limited, the amount of original content, amateur photographs and sexy clips is more than enough for me to recommend that you sign up here for some quality erotic fun. /r/Pokies is clearly in the business of great nipple entertainment and if that sounds like it’s going to float your boat then boogie on over right now! As always: cheers for reading and if you ever need more NSFW Reddit recommendations, be sure to read the hundreds of other subreddit reviews I’ve got. Thanks for coming and I hope your next hog squeeze is thanks to the Pokies community!
- Good niche
- Decent rules
- Lots of OC
- Hot clips
- Average update rate
- Some weird comments