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Poo Pee Girls: Mr. Porn Geek’s analysis

I’m going to let you know from the get go that while I’m not completely opposed to the type of content that I’m about to write about, I am by no means an expert when it comes to scat content. I’ve dabbled with golden showers before myself and I haven’t got any issues with a babe squirting all over me if I make her pussy tingle too much, but poop is a hard limit. Still, Mr. Porn Geek is going to do his very best here with a review of and I hope to come out on the other side feeling clean, fresh and like I just reviewed a very enjoyable porn website. With that said – let’s get into it, shall we?

My first thoughts on Poo Pee Girls

So when you land on the homepage of Poo Pee Girls, you’re given a pretty immediate display of content that you can click on and enjoy. This site operates a fairly standard approach to a tube: the preview panes are pretty bare bones though, since they’ve only got a preview thumbnail and title for you to look at. The default content section at the top is also ‘now watching’ – I’ve never really liked this as the first thing I come across. Just below that though, Poo Pee Girls displays the recently added videos – something I’m much more comfortable with. Mr. Porn Geek is of the opinion that all tube homepages should make the latest clips the first thing that you come across.

If we scroll down to the bottom of Poo Pee Girls, we’ll come across a pagination box that allows you to go deeper through the archive of content that this site has available for you. There are 61 pages here, and each one contains 48 clips, which after a little help from my friend the calculator tells me that this place is currently sitting on just shy of 3,000 uploads. That’s a decent amount of content to be honest – it pales in comparison to some of the biggest tube sites out there, but they don’t focus on niche smut like this. When you’ve got yourself something that’s so specific and wild, you have to expect it to have less content than your average website.

Exploring the navigation tools at Poo Pee Girls

Right at the top of the website, you’ve got a small bar with various links that you might want to utilize. The obvious one for me to check out before any of the others is Poo Pee Girls’ categories section. While I think it’s really quite important and useful for sites to have specific niches covered, I’m slightly disappointed that Poo Pee Girls only has 8 categories here, and most of them are pretty useless. For instance, ‘girls farts’ isn’t a good tag at all when you’ve got basically none to check out. Why not have stuff like Asian, MILF, solo and that type of thing? I saw there was lots of Japanese content on the homepage, as well as a few outdoor uploads too: give them a location on the site where people can see more! One saving grace is the fact that Poo Pee Girls does allow you to look at pissing content – I know lots of folks are going to be very happy about that! Combining the two niches is fine on a single platform, but lots of guys who’re totally into urination entertainment don’t want to see any scat whatsoever.

It’s probably worth mentioning that alongside being a repository for videos, you can also go ahead and look at Poo Pee Girls’ collection of photographs. These are galleries that you can enjoy straight from the site, although do note that there are no zipped photo sets if you want to grab them all at one time. Poo Pee Girls isn’t exactly terrible for not offering this and to be fair, most of the uploads do appear to be quite amateur and in some cases, non-erotic. I think some guys in the scat niche enjoy that, so props for this place having some real unique material. Anyway, the only other header tool is a search bar (it’s pretty average) as well as a feedback page where you can leave a message for the site owner. Some people have written stuff here like “Anne I will eat your shit” which seems a little weird, but if it gets you horny, who cares? I doubt Martin managed to get those turds in his mouth, sadly.

Watching content at Poo Pee Girls

So when it comes to watching porn on Poo Pee Girls, you’ve got what I’d consider to be a relatively basic embed player. Most of the key features are here though, such as a play button, buffer bar, volume control switch and full-screen toggle. You can right-click on the embed and save it locally to your computer if you want or use the ellipsis on the far-right on the screen to prompt a download. I love tube sites that allow you to keep material on your own PC, so yeah – Poo Pee Girls gets full credit for that. The only thing I can really say that is missing here would be a format changer: you don’t have that YouTube-style 480p, 720p and so on switch. You only have one resolution here on Poo Pee Girls, but average quality isn’t bad at all.

Poo Pee Girls: Mr. Porn Geek’s conclusion

I’m not an expert on shitting porn and I never will be: it’s not my cup of tea! Still, I think that based on the objective metrics here, Poo Pee Girls isn’t all that bad. One thing that you have to remember when reviewing adult websites is that without viable alternatives, you’ve got to give ‘good’ sites the ‘great’ treatment. Bottom line: I’d recommend you check out now if you’re looking for a site completely devoted to bodily waste. Shit lovers, scat munchers, piss drinkers can all unite right here – this free tube isn’t half bad.

  • Download videos
  • Loads fast
  • Bonus images
  • No sorting
  • Poor categorization