Website Rank #342
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What the fuck is Porneq?

Porneq is a porn tube site that looks awesome! The moment you get on this porn site you’ll see a lovely designed site that feels really nice to use. Sounds great, I was excited about this site, but is there any glaring problems that will make this site shit? Well, grab your armbands and your pool noodle as we swim into the adventure of this site review! It’s going to be a wet one!

The porn on Porneq

At first glance, the porn on Porneq looks great. A lot of the porn on this site is short, most videos fall short of the 10-minute mark, but there is a smattering of full-length porn scenes to sink your teeth into. That’s great, I love a long porn scene and a lot of the porn on this site is professional shit too. There are some amateur porn scenes, but even these look good from the thumbnails. There is some old porn on this site that lets it down a bit, but there are some recent scenes too. So far, so good, in my opinion. I love long porn scenes from the sexiest ladies in the porn industry, and Porneq seems to deliver that!

The “but” is coming for Porneq

BUT, NONE OF THE FUCKING PORN WORKS! This site appears to offer some of the best scenes from the best ladies in the business, however, when you click on a porn video to watch it, none of the cunts work at all. I have tried 10 videos on this site so far, of those 10, 1 worked! That is 10%, most linking porn sites work better than this piece of cunting shit! What’s the shitting point in even having a site when none of the shit on the site works at all! I am so confused!

What the fuck Porneq

Porneq is the worst porn site in the world, for one simple reason. The design of Porneq makes you think that you have just found the holy grail of porn sites. The design looks professional as fuck, and there are full scenes on the front page of the site, that’s sick! But the porn videos don’t load! There are no ads on this site either, so the ads aren’t getting in the way of the porn, it just doesn’t fucking work! Fuck you Porneq! You really made me think I was going to watch some amazing porn, but you blue-balled me. This has to be the worst blue balling I have ever received. Most shit sites look shit so at least you can tell what you’re in for, but Porneq looks amazing, but works like a benefit fraud! You bunch of useless cunts, you’ve let me down, you’ve let your mum down, and you let the memory of August Ames down!

  • Good layout
  • Great design
  • Some full-length scenes
  • Most porn is broken