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MrPornGeek checks out PornID

PornID has a huge collection of porn videos. All of the videos are very good quality and many of them are fucking awesome! PornID is a great porn site if you are looking to bash one out quickly. The site is very quick to load and gets you straight to the porn without many ads at all. Like always, I am using AdBlocker for this review, but there really doesn’t seem like many ads on this site at all.

PornID has videos from all the major players in the porn game. Also, all the videos cut out all the boring story stuff and head straight to the fucking, something most porn sites don’t offer. Overall, PornID is an excellent site, it certainly isn’t perfect, as we’ll see below, but it is damn fine and one that I will now use a lot!

The layout and design of PornID

The layout of PornID is excellent. It is exactly what you want a porn site to be, no bollocks, just porn! When you load up PornID, all you can see is porn. For as far as the japseye can see, it is just porn all the way down! Love it, great work PornID. There are just a shit load of thumbnails to choose from and not much else on the pages at all. This is great, it’s refreshing to see a site that isn’t offering bullshit along with its porn.

The design of PornID is also very good. It has a simple, but modern design that feels very responsive and user-friendly. The site has looked and worked great on every device I have used it on, and all the videos have loaded very quickly. Again, excellent stuff PornID. One of the most frustrating things about porn sites is that they look good but function like a bag of dicks, this looks great and has so far worked flawlessly for me, so top marks PornID.

Another nice feature I like about PornID is the menu. In the menu at the top of the screen, you can find categories, the pornstar directory, channels and more. This is great, simple, but it works perfectly. This menu doesn’t need to be overly complicated, just show me where I can find a category and a pornstar and I am happy!

The videos on PornID

Something I do want to address about is the videos. As I have said, the porn videos on this site are good, but there is no story at all. Now for some of you out there, this won’t be a big deal at all. You can just cut through all the terrible acting and enjoy some fucking. However, for others (myself included) we miss the story. I love the shit acting before porn, it makes the experience so much more fun! Without the acting it is just two beautiful people having sex in a way that I could never have it! I can’t bend that way!

Honestly, though, I think for some the porn videos on PornID may not be what they are looking for. The porn is exceptional, don’t get me wrong, but there is no storyline to most of the porn. So, if a MILF is fucking a young man you don’t know whether she’s his stepmom or a third cousin twice removed on his dad side. I’m sure for most of you out there you can use PornID for a crafty wank in the toilets at work, but for some who want a production, perhaps this isn’t the site for you.

Additional features for PornID to consider

One feature that I’d love to see from PornID is longer porn. As I have just mentioned, many users may find the porn on the site a little too short with not much of a storyline. So, to increase their users (like they really need to, some of their videos have well over a million views) some longer porn would be great.

There really isn’t much else I would add to PornID. Honestly, Porn ID is really good. The site works great, there aren’t many ads and the porn is all good quality. What else would you like? There isn’t much amateur porn on the site, but that has never really bothered me. The state of some of the amateur porn on sites nowadays is shocking. We get it, you want to be a YouTuber, fuck off back there then you cunt and stop ruining porn for us! Bellends! So maybe they could add more amateur porn to the site.

The Geek’s final thoughts on PornID

PornID is a very good site. It is very quick to load videos, categories and channels for you to view, there aren’t many ads at all (at least when using AdBlocker), and most of the porn is a really high quality. The layout of PornID is very good too. You get today’s popular porn at the top of the page and then the rest of the page is full of the most recent. That is it, it’s simple and I love it.

Honestly, PornID is a great site, go check it out. With a few tweaks here and there it could honestly become one of the biggest sites in the business. It is a very likeable site with a lot of quality porn and features. They even have a community on there too. I didn’t check that out because I couldn’t be bothered, but I am sure that’s good too. Go give PornID a try, you’ll love the porn, have a (sperm) whale of a time and be back to work in no time at all. Right, I am off to the toilet now, “why do I laptop in the toilet?, SHUT THE FUCK UP KEVIN, NO ONE LIKES YOU!”

  • HD quality porn
  • Great design
  • Hardly any ads
  • Not much full-length porn
  • No amateurs