Website Rank #317
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PornZog – what’s the crack?

PornZog is a fantastic porn site. It has a fuck load of porn on it that you simply don’t see much of on mainstream porn tubes like PornHub, for example. PornZog has a butt tonne of Japanese porn on it (most of which is long, HD and fucking good) and a load of Eastern European porn on it too and I don’t have to tell you how naughty those crazy cunts are! Honestly, the porn on PornZog is amazing, you won’t find a porn collection like this on many other sites, and this is why PornZog is so good. It has taken the porn tube model but used it to show us all this porn that isn’t usually on the mainstream porn sites, I like it!

The best thing about PornZog

My favourite thing about PornZog is, unsurprisingly, the porn. Most of the porn I have tested on this site worked flawlessly, most of it was in HD and every scene was full-length. What more can I say? Yeah sure, you can’t understand the pornstars, but I can hardly understand some of the redneck cunts in American porn, so that doesn’t bother me at all!

The categories and pornstars on PornZog

PornZog has a fuck load of categories and it needs them! There is so much porn on this site that, without the categories, you’d get lost quickly. You can access the porn categories directly from the homepage and start your adventure quickly. There is also a fantastic pornstar directory on this site too. A site like this one needs a pornstar directory, so many of the pornstars are unknown that without this page, we would never find the girls again and we want to find the girls again, and stalk them!

The only slightly bad thing about PornZog

The only con I could think of for PornZog was its design. This site has fucking everything I could ever want. Full-length porn (some of the Japanese porn is over 3 hours long), HD porn and stunning girls. The design of PornZog really isn’t that bad, but if they made it slightly more modern (and I do mean very slightly) PornZog could be one of the biggest porn sites in the world! It has found a great niche in the porn industry that has the potential to be big!

The Geek’s final words on PornZog

I am in love with PornZog it is a fantastic place to find porn that either isn’t on other mainstream sites or is so far hidden in the bowels of the site that it might as well not be on the porn site. PornZog has done a fantastic job at making this site the perfect place to come and enjoy some rare porn and PornZog will be a massive site one day! The design isn’t bad as I said above, I just needed a con for this review and the design was the worst of a great bunch of things on this site.

  • Lots of full-length porn
  • HD porn
  • Rare porn
  • Slightly old design