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Prone Bone: the Mr. Porn Geek analysis

One of my best friends is an avid fan of the whole prone bone niche – he was the one who initially told me about this place and said that in his medical opinion, it’s the most pleasurable – and healthy – sexual position for both people involved. He hasn’t lost his license to practice just yet, but I’m sure it’s coming if he keeps up! Anyway, the premise of Prone Bone is basically girls lying down on their stomachs and then a guy fucking them from behind. They’re prone and they’re getting boned – got it? Good, now continue reading down below if you want Mr. Porn Geek’s full, professional opinion on this subreddit.

First objective facts on Prone Bone

Let me begin with a little objective analysis on Prone Bone: I want to make sure that everyone understands where this place stands in comparison to some other spots on Reddit for porn. For a start, /r/ProneBone was created in May of 2013 and has been pretty damn active ever since. There are currently 185,000+ followers here, which seems to grow at a decent rate – a good sign of things to come. Now the last piece of data I want to look at is the rate of new submissions, since that’s going to give us a good idea of how regularly people come back here. Turns out that Prone Bone only receives around 56 new posts on a daily basis – far, far below what you’d expect from a community of this size. The somewhat limited nature of the niche somewhat explains this low figure, but it’s still an issue nonetheless.

Content thoughts on Prone Bone

Okay, so let’s go ahead now and talk a little bit about the content on Prone Bone – to do this, I’m just going to look at the highest rated links from the last year. While there are a few amateur clips linked here, the majority of the content is either amateur from third-party sources or direct professional pornography. /r/ProneBone is entirely made up of clips though – all of the top 25 links that I saw were to GFYCat, so that’s great if you’re someone who only wants to look at short videos. Out of the top-rated submissions, I’d say that this one was definitely my favorite – I love how she’s doing a lot of the work and giving that dude the pussy fucking of a lifetime. She’s also got a really cute face and pulls loads of erotic expressions: hot as hell.

Conclusion on /r/ProneBone

So I had a nice time at ProneBone and I liked the posts that I came across: I just wished that there was more material here for the hog squeezers to get happy over. Generally speaking, I can’t think of a single reason why someone would be disappointed with Prone Bone and the content that they have – especially the highest rated links. Definitely a subreddit to visit if you’re into this niche and even if you’re not, you may very well become addicted to it once you see how wild some of these prone boners are. Anyway – Mr. Porn Geek is done here, so cheers for reading and happy hog squeezing! Don’t forget I’ve got hundreds of other NSFW Reddit community reviews for you to check out on my site too.

  • Great niche
  • Lots of clips
  • Reasonable rules
  • Slow submission rate
  • Needs more OC