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What is QueerClick all about?

QueerClick is a blog type porn website all about gay porn and the latest and greatest gay porn to hit the net. As you may know, I am straight, so I don’t spend much time on gay porn sites, but since reviewing gay sites, I have to say that these sites have a lot more shit than straight sites. Of course, there are some shit sites, but a lot of these sites are amazing! I would say that there are far more good  sites than there are good straight sites.

I don’t know why this is, but sites just seem to care more about giving their visitors good porn than they do about trying to make a quick buck. I really  like this about sites, you can see the passion behind the porn reflected in the design, layout and content on most sites. However, is QueerClick one of these great sites, or is this site one of the crap ones? Well, we ain’t going to find out shit if we don’t review this site are we dear reader? So, get your reading glasses on and let’s look at some gay porn articles!

The articles on QueerClick

All of the articles on QueerClick are presented really nicely. The layout of the front page of QueerClick is fucking lovely and gives you a clear insight into what all the articles are about. Click on any article on QueerClick, and you find a really nicely laid out article about a certain gay porn scene or some form of news that either centres around porn or just the gay community at large. I like this, why do sites need to live outside the normal community? Why can’t sites, especially blog porn sites like QueerClick, discuss the outside world too?

Anyway, I got passionate there! So, when you click on a gay porn scene article on here, you see some photos from the porn shoot nicely laid out between the words of the article. The article goes into the porn scene pretty extensively. Of course, QueerClick does spoil the porn scenes, but it isn’t like ruining a Marvel film is it? If you didn’t know that the gay guys in this porn scene fuck, then you probably shouldn’t be watchingporn in a mental asylum!

Each article is laid out nicely as I said and they have fuck loads of info about both the actors, the companies behind the porn and loads more. If you want to look behind the scenes of gay porn, QueerClick is a great place to do just that! Also, if you have a favourite gay pornstar that you like to keep track of, you’ll love the articles on QueerClick as they really know the pornstars and clearly do a lot of research into their articles.

The passion behind QueerClick

I don’t normally do shit like this in these reviews, but the passion behind QueerClick is really worth a mention in this review. It is the passion that the fuckers behind QueerClick put into their articles that makes this site as good as it is. So even though, it is a new thing for me to be complimenting cunts, I am going to do it so just shut the fuck up and listen for a minute.

QueerClick has so much passion behind their articles. Each and every article on this site is extremely well structured and has a fuck load of info about each pornstar in the scene or each gay news topic. You can feel the work that these fuckers put into these articles, it is amazing! I mean one article about a gay porn scene went into how one of the guys was only a top when he started, but he decided to bottom in this scene, and this amazing return to porn really showed how much he had a changed and all this shit.

You can’t know any of this shit if you aren’t invested in the gay porn that you are offering. Clearly, QueerClick gives a shit about the porn and their readers. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have such good info about all the gay things that they do! So, well done QueerClick, your passion for your porn is truly amazing to me! I spend all day on sites that couldn’t give a fuck about their porn because it is just a money-grabbing thing for them, you seem different, and I like it! It is refreshing to see a site actually give a fuck about the porn and their visitors.

The Geek’s final thoughts on QueerClick

It’s shit! I’m only kidding, QueerClick is awesome! As I said, I am straight, so I dunno, if all gay sites are as good as QueerClick or this site, is a one-off, but I really enjoyed it. Of course, the porn isn’t for me, but I love the details in the articles and all the information about every gay thing I have ever heard of! If you are porn geek, check this site out. I don’t give a fuck if you’re gay, straight, or haven’t decided yet, there is some great info about porn on this site and a sneak peek behind the cum stained curtain of the porn industry.

What more can I say? QueerClick is a great site. The articles are great, the design is perfect and the whole site feels like a nice place to be. You can’t watch full-length gay porn scenes on this site, but you can find out fuck loads of info about all the great gay porn in the world!

  • Great articles
  • Nice collection of gay porn
  • Excellent looking website
  • Short porn clips