Website Rank #558

Rock Candy

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MrPornGeek checks out Rock Candy

RockCandy is a porn site that is full of animated porn. There are loads of porn cartoons from the creator of Rock Candy and the many fans of this porn site. Plus, there are also animated porn videos too. Now, you do need an extension on your browser to view these porn videos, but I’m here to tell you whether it is worth going out of your way to install said extension or not. Right now, it is hard to say whether RockCandy is worth it or not, to be honest. The porn certainly has potential, but the message I saw on the homepage of this site puts doubt in my mind. I’ll get to the message from Rock Candy in a bit, first, let’s look at the porn a bit more, shall we?

The porn on Rock Candy

Right, the porn on RockCandy is a mixture of cartoon images that haven’t been coloured in and some fan art that actually looks a bit better than the images that Rock Candy are giving away. You then, of course, have the porn videos too. I haven’t downloaded the extension needed to view these porn videos, but I have watched a few of the other videos that RockCandy has produced (they are the reason I didn’t bother downloading the extension, I am afraid). The other videos that Rock Candy has created are good, I don’t think they do the animation (I could be wrong), but they seem alright. However, the sound quality is awful and really distracts from the video. Also, the animations aren’t too great either. They look like a fun adult cartoon from the thumbnail, but that doesn’t really hold up when you watch them.

Is Rock Candy dying?

The first message that you see on arrival at RockCandy is that they don’t know whether they are going carry on with this site because they believe that flash is coming to an end and so it will be harder to find people to work with for the porn. This really sounds like RockCandy is giving up, to be frank. I have reviewed several animated porn sites now where the owner of the site isn’t into it any more and is finding every excuse to move on to their next challenge, whether that’s a porn challenge or something else. It would be a shame if Rock Candy did use this excuse to move on as they are making a bit of money out of their porn on Pateron.

My final thoughts on Rock Candy

RockCandy is an odd one. While I didn’t really enjoy the porn or the other videos that I saw on RockCandy, I think it’d be a bloody shame if they quit. The animated porn on this site certainly isn’t too bad, it just isn’t my thing. Go check out Rock Candy and see what you think. That is if this site is still around by the time this review is published!

  • Some good porn
  • Lots of animated stuff
  • Regular updates
  • Lots of mediocre porn