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Why isn’t RocketTube called rocket man?

RocketTube is all about gay porn so why the fuck didn’t they give a little nod to Elton and name this site Rocket Man? It is the perfect name for this porn site! I do like that the rocket in the name is clearly about the dicks on the site and there are plenty of them! You can’t move for cock on RocketTube, they are everywhere! This shouldn’t really surprise you as RocketTube is a gay site, so of course, there are cocks a plenty.

As we get deeper into the ass of this review, you will see that I found some odd porn on RocketTube. Not odd gay porn, but porn that I never knew existed and found intriguing enough to share. However, we will never get deep in the ass of this review if I keep talking a bunch of shit here will we, dear reader? So, get ready for some good gay porn and some slightly strange porn that is still good, just unexpected as we delve deep into the ass of RocketTube and see what our rocket is covered in when we pull it out.

The porn on RocketTube

Well, most of the porn on RocketTube is exactly what you expect a gay site to be offering. It is a lot of men doing the dirty deeds and fucking each other’s brains out. All of the porn on this website looks pretty good from the thumbnails. However, when you look at the porn videos in the lovely little layout on this site, you begin seeing things like 1m, 3m, 2m and 5m. Now, no gay guy on this site has a 5-metre cock, so what on earth could these be? Well, this is the number of minutes that this gay porn is. A fuck load of the gay porn on this site is under a minute long. The longest porn video I have found on RocketTube so far is 8 minutes long. That is really short.

This seems to be a theme with gay porn sites. So many gay sites look really good, but as you explore the porn, you quickly realise that all of the porn is really short. Why is this gay people? Is it because the gay porn industry is less into stealing from each other? Or is because I haven’t found the right gay site yet?

Anyway, the weird gay porn I found on this site! Right, this is odd. A few pages in on RocketTube, I found a thumbnail with what appeared to be a female in it. At first, I thought this lady may be trans. I clicked on the 2-minute porn video, and to my surprise, this was a lady. This scene was all about a guy fucking a girl, but unlike in straight porn, the guy was the centre of attention. You know in straight porn when the guy is almost always hidden from view whenever possible, and the girl is at the forefront of the porn, this was the total opposite. I thought it was worth mentioning this porn scene as I have never come across a porn scene like this on a gay site and I was intrigued by it. Is RocketTube alone in this type of porn? Or am I a idiot for never noticing them before?

The shit RocketTube needs to work on

Right, there are a few things that RocketTube needs to do to make their site really good. Firstly, the porn. Why the fuck can I only watch a few minutes of the porn scene on this site? This is really annoying and I say it all the time about porn sites! If the porn if only a few minutes long, no one can cum to that shit. Even me, a guy that can last literal seconds in the sack! You need some full-length porn scenes on your website RocketTube. Either steal them, or make them, I don’t care just sort them the fuck out.

Next up, the categories section of RocketTube doesn’t work. I clicked on the categories section to see which categories this gay site offered and the thing just closed on me. I couldn’t access the categories cos the section was all kinds of fucked-up! This was annoy as I love being able to filter porn. Just like everyone else, sometimes you know what porn you want to get down to and so having a categories section helps you pinpoint this porn ready for your pin-like prick playing! Please sort this shit out too RocketTube.

The Geek’s final thoughts on RocketTube

Right, now I have just shit directly into the mouth of RocketTube, I have to say that I enjoyed this site. Of course, with such short porn, this site is never going to be a huge name in porn, but if they added some longer shit to their site, it could easily become the gay porn site to use for the future. However, for now, RocketTube will be getting a low score. I could forgive the categories section shit, that will probably be a easy fix that may already be fixed by the time you cunts are reading this. But what I can’t forgive is the short porn.

I want long porn RocketTube! It doesn’t have to be full-length scenes, although that would be nice, but just some longer porn than this! Right now, I would have to watch 10 videos on your site to get over the 8-minute mark and have any hope of cumming! This ain’t good, lads, come on, sort this shit out boys! You have a great site here, don’t ruin it with shitty porn!

  • Lots of porn
  • HD Porn
  • Nice design
  • All short videos