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What’s Rubias19 all about?

Rubias19 is a fairly good porn site. It has some porn from some of the finest ladies in the industry on it and porn that covers most niches. Of course, like most porn tubes, Rubias19 doesn’t have too much hardcore shit or anything,  but there is pretty much a porn video on here to get anyone tickling their tackle. Or is there? Well, things aren’t what they seem at Rubias19. Let’s get the fuck down and review this prick, shall we?

The design of Rubias19

I actually quite like the design of Rubias19, it certainly isn’t the nicest feeling site I have ever been on, but it is quick, and the thumbnails are nice and large. I can’t stand a porn site that has stupid little thumbnails that you can’t see shit in, so the thumbnails are a great touch on Rubias19. Also, all the thumbnail pictures on Rubias19 are screenshots of the video, but they look really good. This suggests HD porn, so that also gets a thumbs up! Man, Rubias19 is shaping up to be a pretty good site, I hope they don’t ruin it, by doing something stupid like only giving us short porn videos or something.

Why is all the porn on Rubias19 so short?

FUCK! So close Rubias19. I tried about 20 porn videos on this site, and all of them were exactly 8 minutes long. I am assuming that is this porn sites limit for a video. But that’s cool, every site has a limit, so just edit the scene down and make it look awesome in those 8 minutes, right Rubias19, right! No, instead, Rubias19 went a different way. They decided to just start the scene in the middle and have it end after 8 minutes. Some of the scenes I saw just cut out, went to black, as I banged my head on the desk.

What’s the fucking point of this shit porn Rubias19? If you have a limitation like this on your site, just steal the trailer things from other sites. Don’t steal long porn scenes and then chop them up randomly. You are doing a disservice to porn Rubias19 and you should a-fucking-shamed!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Rubias19

Well, I thought I would enjoy Rubias19, from the face of it, it looks like a excellent site. However, start watching some porn on it, and you quickly realise that it is annoying as fuck. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind the short porn if it were the whole scene like most other porn sites do, but this shit about starting it anywhere and just running it for 8 minutes is unforgivable!

We deserve better porn than this Rubias19 you bunch of lazy cunts! Give us porn that is worth our time, otherwise, we’ll go wank on another site, a better site, a site called PornHub probably!

  • Nice thumbnails
  • Fairly good design
  • HD porn
  • Short porn