Website Rank #363


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What the fuck is RubRatings all about?

RubRatings is a website all about massages and shit like that. Basically, if you live in American, you can go on RubRatings and get a massage from one of the many ladies on this site. Before we go anywhere with this review, why the fuck isn’t RubRatings all over the world? Also, you know damn well that if I am reviewing this site, it ain’t just a massage that you are going to get on this site.

At first, I thought RubRatings was just offering some simple massages. However, when I saw the word “sexy” in their tag line, I knew there was a bit more on offer than a massage. Proper massages aren’t sexy. They are done by a butch woman call Helga who beats the living fuck out of your muscles and turns them to dust! RubRatings has a fuck load of women on it, and none of them look like a rugby player! They all look fucking sexy as hell. So, even if these massage girls ain’t offering the services I am thinking they are offering, you’ll probably still cum your pants off during your massage cos honestly lads, I have never seen a bigger collection of sexy girls!

So, is RubRatings any good? Well, we ain’t going to know unless I review this fucker are we dear reader? So, grab your baby oil, your towel, throw the towel away and let’s get on with this review, shall we?

Are the girls on RubRatings real?

I have reviewed plenty of sites. Now, I ain’t saying that RubRatings is an escort site hiding in plain site, but that is also exactly what I am say. All the escort sites that I review verify the photos of the girls. So, when you choose an escort from these sites, you know for damn sure that the photos you are seeing are of the lady that is going to come to your hotel and play chess or watch TV with you, because these girls is, of course, illegal, so I know none of you dirty fuckers are doing that.

However, RubRatings doesn’t appear to verify the photos of the girls on their website. Now, does this matter? The girls are offering massages to people, so does how they look really matter? No, on a normal massage service site, who does the massage and what they look like doesn’t matter at all. However, go on these girls profiles, and they are offering a lot more than a massage. So, if the girls are offering more than a massage then suddenly it is really important that the girl in the picture is who turns up at your door. If these girls are legit, then cool, if they ain’t, RubRatings could just be a huge scam!

Where are the prices RubRatings?

I have check a lot of the girl’s profiles on RubRatings, and only a few have prices on their profiles that they have added themselves. While I like the fact that the girls are adding their own prices to their profiles, why the fuck isn’t there a section for them to do it created by RubRatings? Prices for services like these are pretty important, especially when some of the girls are charging $150 per half an hour of massaging. That is a lot of money, I’d have to do 700 porn reviews to pay for 15 minutes with one of these sexy ladies.

Again, alarm bells begin to ring when the girls don’t have prices on their profiles. If the prices are on the profiles, this locks that price in and RubRatings is responsible for keeping this price. If they aren’t, the girls can show up and start charging fucking anything they want with a bloke waiting down the street ready to get the money if you argue the fact. I know this sounds a paranoid, but you hear this shit every day. Escort and massage sites are supposed to be a safe way of finding this sort of shit in your area, so why does RubRatings feel pretty unsafe?

Why do I have to be a member of RubRatings?

You can view all the girls on RubRatings without being a member, but when it comes to viewing that sexy lady’s reviews, you have to be a member. Why the fuck is that? Surely, you should be able to see the massage reviews before you sign up to see whether the site is worth signing up for? Unless the reviews of the massages are so shit that once you sign up, you won’t want to enjoy the services any more. This is strange. Something isn’t quite right here. Why can’t I see the reviews, RubRatings, what are you hiding?

The Geek’s final thoughts on RubRatings

Well, the design of RubRatings is one of the best of any massage sites that I have reviewed. It shows off the girls really nicely, and the whole site is very quick and feels nice. I don’t like that the reviews and the prices of the girls are hidden, though.

RubRatings has a great site, but there is a lot on this massage site that has been put in place to hide shit from non-members and even members. I don’t get it. If escort and massages sites are hiding shit from me, it just sends alarm bells going in my head. Why is RubRatings hiding this info and why isn’t there a place on the girl’s profiles for them to add prices too?

Plus, without verification of any of the photos on this massage site, how the fuck do we know that the girl in the picture is going to show up at the door? This is catfishing with more steps, in my opinion. I don’t think I trust RubRatings.

  • Sexy girls
  • Loads of girls
  • Great design
  • Only available in the USA
  • No prices on site