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What the fuck is Seiren?

Seiren is a porn comic collection of all the comics that are in Portuguese. However, unlike other porn sites that offer the shittest translations on the planet, Seiren translate all their shit pretty fucking well! So, I can actually enjoy these comics and read the story too. This is great news because I find this kind of porn really shit and boring so I only read the comics for the story. Despite my hatred for porn comics, is this porn comic porn site any good at all? Well, let’s get the fuck on with this review and find the fuck out, shall we?

The comics on Seiren

There’s shit loads of comics on Seiren. I didn’t know that this many porn comics existed, let alone Portuguese ones! There’s loads on here. All the porn comics on this site look really professional and like some cunt actually put some thought into them too. This is nice, sometimes comics are shit, like a kid with a serious brain injury drew them, so it is nice to see comic creators taking some pride in their work!

There is a massive problem with the comics on Seiren, though. When the page translates shit into English, the comic covers don’t. So I have no clue what the comic covers are saying. There is a title of the porn comics below it which I guess says it all, but I still want to see the comic cover change because I am a fucking asshole and notice this sort of shit!

The design of Seiren

Right, the actual look of Seiren is really nice. This is a very professional looking site and Seiren should be proud of this. The whole site looks amazing. But fuck me is it slow! This site takes a decade to load anything! I didn’t realise that comics where so big that websites nearly die when they try and load them! Jesus christ, you have got to sort this shit out Seiren it is terrible. This sucks cos Seiren is a lovely looking site, and you get to see the design of this site a shit load while you’re waiting for their server, an asthmatic hamster who smokes 60 a day on a wheel, to load the pages!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Seiren

Well, Seiren isn’t too shit! I mean there’s a fuck load of shit on Seiren that is annoying as fuck. The translation takes a age to kick in, the loading times on this website are shocking, and the porn is just some comic books. However, if you like this sort of shit and you are Portuguese, you may like this porn site.

  • Lots of comics
  • Some sexy shit
  • Slow as fuck
  • Must be a member