Website Rank #315


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I wish I could love SexLoving

SexLoving is supposed to be a porn tube site with a fuck load of porn on it. However, what you actually find when you explore this cunt of a site is a shit load of ads and viruses. Every single click that I did on this site, sent me to potential threats that my security had to block. What the fuck is this about? Either SexLoving has been hacked, or they are the biggest cunts ever to make a site! Not only did the porn not work, but now my computer is infected with an STI worse than the one I got the last time I was in the red district in Amsterdam.

The porn on SexLoving

How the fuck can SexLoving call themselves a site when hardly any of the porn works? When you first visit SexLoving, you are faced with some huge thumbnails of the porn. The thumbnail is just a screenshot of the porn and so its shit and low quality and there is no fucking description at all. Plus, when you click on a porn video to watch it, it just keeps sending you to blocked sites. So far, I have tried about 25 porn videos on this cunting site, 1 has worked! 1, that’s a fucking joke SexLoving.

The design of SexLoving

I actually didn’t mind the design of SexLoving, it feels like a very professional porn site. The whole site is very nicely layout out, the design feels fresh and modern and even the viruses load quickly on this site. So, the design of SexLoving is its only saving grace, the rest of this site is as bad as my dick cheese after a week’s camping holiday.

What else is wrong with SexLoving

Well, if the viruses didn’t convince you that this site isn’t worth your time, there is also no categories at all or a pornstar directory. All this site is is an endless list of some shit mediocre porn that you can find anywhere on the web. The only difference is that the porn on this website comes with a free virus with every video. So, even without the viruses, SexLoving still wouldn’t be a very good porn site, the porn isn’t great, there is fuck all way of filtering the porn and the thumbnails are shit.

The Geek’s final gasp for air before I end it all before SexLoving does it for me

The design of this site is very good, really nice and modern, but pretty much everything else about this site is shit. If the viruses are not SexLoving’s fault, then I’ll happily do this review again, but it will still score low. This site just isn’t up to par with some of the good shit that we already have! Basically, SexLoving do everything you are doing, but do it better in every single way!

  • Good design
  • Pretty good porn
  • Viruses at every click
  • Ads a plenty