Website Rank #8

Simple Nu

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Simple Nu is a stylish adult blog that describes itself as a place to find ‘nude girls in erotic pictures’. I think it’s fair to say that the aim of the game is showcasing female beauty and nudity, without the need for hardcore sex to make the viewers happy. The site updates with new posts in bulk on a semi-regular basis, sometimes a few days separating bulk updates. Most of the photography is sourced from professional productions, although don’t think that there aren’t any nubile amateurs here: I can certainly say you get a lot of those!

Models from sites like Hegre Art, X-Art, and FTV Girls all appear: the galleries that are uploaded feature around 20 pictures on average uploaded in top quality resolutions. I should mention that although you can’t download the photos in a zipped photo set directly from, you can go to the site of origin – which is linked – and grab yourself the set from there. Simple Nu has a model archive too, so if you know the name of the beautiful nude goddess you’d like to see more of, visit there and find her.

  • Model archives
  • Good site design
  • Days between bulk posts
  • No zipped photo sets
Simple Nu