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Mr. Porn Geek’s review of Simps

I’ve said before how I often come across subreddits that have a particular theme that you’re unable to work out just from looking at the title of the place. This is certainly what’s going on at Simps – a Reddit NSFW hub where you’ll find vaginas that look as perfect as possible. The origin of the word ‘Simp’ is actually from The Simpsons: specifically, the shape of Homer’s face and how it looks a bit like a decent pussy ought to. Over the course of this review, I’m going to be talking to you about /r/Simps and whether or not I think it’s a good place for you to get the content you want. So, without further ado, let’s crack on with a review of Simps!

Objective analysis of Simps

I was pretty surprised to see that /r/Simps was created back in October of 2012, which makes it around 7 years old at the time of writing this review. They’ve currently got just over 230,000 subscribers here, so if we’re just looking at raw figures on the number of followers that a particular NSFW community has, this one is in the top 150 available on Reddit today. Of course, the most important metric to consider is the frequency of new submissions. If we hot the sort tab at the top to see the latest links first, you’ll find that around 10 posts are added on a daily basis. This isn’t exactly stellar, but yeah – it’s a pretty specific niche, so I won’t cry too much.

/r/Simps: a look at the content

Content is king when it comes to Reddit, so I figured it was best to look at the top posts of the last year here to determine what’s submitted and what people enjoy. One of the best features at /r/Simps is the fact that they have so much original content from girls that want to put their pussies up online. I’ve noticed that a lot of communities have openly embraced chicks that want to share their own hot pockets, so I’m not surprised that plenty come here and show off what’s between their legs. Most of the posts are image-based, but you can find a few clips if you dig deep enough. Perhaps my favorite submission of these perfect pussies would be the post located here. Although she’s got a hairy snatch, that thing looks pristine – as well as being totally juicy and fat as fuck! God bless Reddit’s constant supply of sexy chicks sharing their erotic material.

Conclusion on Simps

So all things considered, it’s fair to say that /r/Simps is a pretty good place to find hot pussies. One of the issues that I’m sure you can see is the fact that they don’t update too often with new posts – that kinda sucks, but it’s made up by all of the original content. I would like to see more clips, although I can understand why perfect pussy porn is typically image based. Okay folks: that’s my review over – thanks for reading and be sure to check out Simps when you can!

  • Hot pussies
  • Established community
  • Lots of original content
  • Needs more clips
  • Some average girls