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What the fuck is SlutEver?

SlutEver is all about a lady who spent much of her twenties being a slut, oh how I wish I knew her in that period of her life. She now writes sexy blog posts on SlutEver about sex news, info about sex toys and sex scenes in films and shit like that! SlutEver is also a show on Vice where the owner of this blog travels the globe in search of sexy cultures and explores them deeply, maybe with her pussy. Is this sex blog any good? I dunno, let’s find the fuck out!

The founder of SlutEver

The founder of SlutEver is Karley Sciortino, she is sexy as fuck, and I hope she reads this and knows that this fat, balding, ginger, cunt would love to have sex with her. She is also the host of the Vice show. Any cunt reading this has seen the Vice show and if you haven’t go on Youtube or something and watch it, it is pretty good. Karley is fucking hot and the perfect woman to bring us all the sexy news in the world as imagining her using any of the sex toys she’s discussing or in any of the sexual positions she is talking about really makes working with my laptop on my lap a balancing act!

The news stories on SlutEver

I never knew there was so much sex news in the world. SlutEver has a fuck load of sex news. These blog posts typically go up once a week and contain all the sexy as fuck info anyone could want. There are stand-alone porn blog posts about important shit in the porn world and the real world too. Of course, Miley Cryus is featured a lot on SlutEver, but so are other celebs. There’s a shit load of sex news on this porn blog, and all of it is far more informative than this pile of shit you are reading.

The design of SlutEver

Of course, the design of SlutEver is excellent, it has its own mainstream TV show for fuck sake. However, I only bring up the design of this porn blog because it was created by Dancing Bear and I found that funny and needed to share it with you. Dancing Bear makes websites and lady cum, who knew!

The Geek’s final thoughts on SlutEver

Of course SlutEver is fucking good, how could it not be. Karley didn’t get a show on Vice for having a shit blog, did she? I think this sex blog is probably the best in the world, Karley is sexy as fuck and I would very much like to cum on her amazing tits if she’d let me. SlutEver is awesome, check it out, watch the TV show, buy the book and jerk off to Karley like I’m about to.

  • Great design
  • Lots of sex info
  • Loads of sex news
  • Updated regularly
  • Nothing
  • Host isn’t naked all the time!