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MrPornGeek checks out So Cinquenta

So Cinquenta is an escort service for some country that I really cannot be bothered to try and figure out for reasons that I’ll get to in a bit. I have been exploring So Cinquenta for a while now and I have a lot of questions about this escort site. Namely, all of the escorts on this site look hot as fuck, but their faces are blurred, so how the fuck can we tell if the escort in the photo is the bitch that turns up at our door? I have a feeling that when you get an escort from So Cinquenta a massive woman called Helga will rock up and give you the fucking you never wanted but always dreamed of. Anyway, I want to chat about the design of So Cinquenta for a quick second and then get to escorts!

The design of So Cinquenta

So the design of So Cinquenta is pretty shit. I have said this about escort services before, you need to have a fancy design. If you go shopping on some online store that has a shitty design, you ain’t buying anything are ya? So why does So Cinquenta expect us to rent escorts from their poxy site? It is the same shit. These cunts are offering a service and yet give us a terrible design and expects us to trust them, fuck that shit! Right, onto the escorts after that comprehensive look at the design of So Cinquenta!

The escorts on So Cinquenta

So, the escorts on So Cinquenta all look really hot. Truly, whatever South American country this escort service is based in is home to some extremely sexy escorts. However, having reviewed loads of escort sites in the past, I know that some less attractive escorts use sites like these too, where are they? Where are the fugiles? This isn’t an escort agency so So Cinquenta isn’t handpicking these ladies, anyone can come on So Cinquenta and make a profile, so where are the ugly ladies?

Is So Cinquenta trustworthy?

The reason I went on about ugly ladies in the section above is simple. There is no verification process that I can see on SoCinquenta. So how the fuck do we know that these escorts are real? If there are no ugly ladies on this escort site, chances are, the ladies in all of these stunning images aren’t who they say they are. There is no way an escort site like SoCinquenta can only have fitness models on it who happen to be escorts as well! I don’t believe this escort site for one second! If this escort site is real and these escorts are as hot as this then cool, but they can’t be surely. SoCinquenta just looks like the perfect place to lose a fucking kidney if you ask me!

  • Loads of escorts
  • Trans and male too
  • Nearly acceptable design
  • No verification