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I’ll kick this review off by saying that SoloTouch should be avoided by people from certain countries – including Australia – because it features stories that relate to underage individuals engaging in erotic activities. The homepage had a story that I know would be illegal in those countries, so fair warning my Aussie friends: you can’t come to this site!

As for the rest of you, I will assure you that there’s lot of content here and it isn’t really about young people at all. There are lots of categories and niches for you to check out covering a range of fantasies and ideas.

All that potentially illegal stuff aside, SoloTouch is really something extraordinary when it comes to stories. Its got a decent sized archive with over 45,000 stories- that’s definitely nothing to sneeze at.

Most of the stories on Solo Touch are focused on masturbation and they even take that extra step of categorizing the content by gender so there’s a section for male and female masturbation stories. But wait, there’s more.

They even have female-male, female-female, male-female and male-male wanking stories. And yup, they even dip their toes into the group masturbation scene as well. Want group co-ed action? They have that! Or maybe you’re craving a sausage fest? Check out the group male masturbation stories. For multiple ladies flicking their beans, hit up the group female section.

The fun seemingly never ends at SoloTouch so when and if you ever get done reading through the gazillion sex stories they have, be sure to check out their masturbation technique section. I’m sure you know how to pleasure yourself with your hands but what if you’ve been doing it wrong this whole time? What if there is a shortcut you can take to get that nut out faster from your balls, wouldn’t you wanna know? The folks at SoloTouch think you would so they created this section!

But back to the main reason you’re here. All of the stories on are sorted into tags that can make it easy for you to find what you want. An advanced search box on the right hand side is another way to filter the stories here. You can find what you need by searching for particular keywords or choosing a particular category from the drop down menu.

There are lots of solo stories, as well as premium content for those that want fetish, BDSM, trans stories and other interesting ideas for written erotica. Sadly, a heap of the stories on Solo Touch require you to have an account before you can read them. A premium account is $4.99 per month or $54.95 for a whole year – not much of a discount. The price isn’t bad, but with so many free erotic story hubs out there, it might be best to check those out before coming here.

  • Lots of niches
  • Good content
  • A lot of paid content
  • Illegal in some countries