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What is Str8UPGayPorn?

Str8UPGayPorn is a awesome site. Well, I don’t think that Str8UPGayPorn is really a porn site, to be honest. It has a fuck load of info about gay porn on it. So, you can find out about all the new gay porn coming out or stuff that has already been released. Plus it has a fuck load of info about pornstars and what they get up to when they ain’t on the porn set. Basically, a lot of Str8UPGayPorn feels like a celebrity new site but centring around gay pornstars and gay porn. I like this!

However, as you’re going to see, Str8UPGayPorn is far more important than this! If you’re gay and you aren’t familiar with Str8UPGayPorn, stick around. You’re going to want to know a fuck load more about Str8UPGayPorn by the time this review is over. So let’s just get straight into this review and find out why I think Str8UPGayPorn is one of the most important porn sites in the world!

Str8UPGayPorn is an important site

The reason I think that Str8UPGayPorn is a important site, isn’t because of the porn on the site at all. I have reviewed a number of gay sites just like this one now. I find the existence of these gay sites awesome. I would love to find a straight porn site just like these as I love behind the scenes info about porn. However, there ain’t many straight porn sites that offer this look behind the cum stained curtain. However, as much as I appreciate the really interesting shit on offer about porn on this website, it is the other articles that make Str8UPGayPorn a really important website.

Str8UPGayPorn doesn’t just focus on porn. It also has articles about everything that affects gay people from around the world. On the left-hand side of Str8UPGayPorn, you’ll find all the porn articles with images and videos and plenty of insider info about the pornstars and the porn scene. However, on the right-hand side of Str8UPGayPorn, you’ll find interesting stories and articles from around the world about topics that involve or affect gay people. For example, Rupaul’s Drag Race news, gun crime stories that directly affect gay people and a fuck load more.

These are the stories that make me feel that Str8UPGayPorn is important. As you may guess, I’m straight, so I dunno if there is a lot of sites like this that go into detail about stories that affect gay people. I dunno if there are gay newspapers that only cover topics that may affect gay people, this is the first site I have seen like this. I think that Str8UPGayPorn is a great site, but it is these articles about shit from around the world that affects gay people that makes me feel that it is an important site. If nothing else like this exists, Str8UPGayPorn needs to be much bigger than it is right now! To have a place focusing on news that is affecting gay people is a fucking awesome thing.

A minor improvement for Str8UPGayPorn to consider

I would love Str8UPGayPorn to improve the design of their site a little bit. Of course, the layout is quite nice, and the photos for each article are pretty nice, but the homepage of Str8UPGayPorn just feels a little messy! Str8UPGayPorn feels quite a lot like a newspaper site, which I love, I think that is the feeling and look that this site should have. However, it is a little messy right now. If Str8UPGayPorn could clean the site up, perhaps just a reduction in the length of their titles would do this. Something needs to be done with the design of Str8UPGayPorn.

The reason I feel this is because Str8UPGayPorn will blow up at any moment. Judging from the amount of comments on the articles, Str8UPGayPorn is well on its way to blowing up, to be honest. Before Str8UPGayPorn gets huge, they need to redo their design. Just make this amazing site look a bit more modern and sexy, and your audience will grow and grow. Honestly, you have all the gay news you need to make this site huge, you just need a bit of a better design, and you’ll be laughing Str8UPGayPorn! Other than that, Str8UPGayPorn is just about perfect for a gay site that is really a gay news site.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Str8UPGayPorn

Please do get me fucked me and think that I want gay and straight news to be divided or anything like that. That ain’t the case at all, I would love for newspapers to cover as much news that affects gay people as they do with straight news. However, we all know this ain’t the case at the moment. So, if gay people can find out about shit that is affecting their community on Str8UPGayPorn, then I am all for that and think that this humble little site is important for the gay community!

Honestly, I think that the gay porn on this site is really the least interesting part of this site. That isn’t because I am straight, it is because everything else that Str8UPGayPorn is doing is really cool, refreshing and important! In fact, I don’t even think that Str8UPGayPorn needs to have the articles about gay porn on their site. Of course, these articles are interesting, but I have noticed that they are talking about all the same gay porn that every other site like this is. So, perhaps, focus more on the gay news stories from around the world and provide the gay community with a place to come for every gay news story affecting the community instead!

  • Great news about porn
  • Important gay news
  • Great community
  • Not the nicest design