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What is StripClubList?

What the fuck do you think StripClubList is? It is a list of strip clubs, why the fuck do I need to explain this to you? Are you a little special? Well, actually StripClubList is a little more than just a list of strip clubs. You can also review strip clubs on here, advertise strip clubs on here, advertise jobs at strip clubs on here and even the sale of strip clubs! So, StripClubList is just every thing about strip clubs! It’s pretty cool!

StripClubList is the Facebook of this shit!

Fucking hell, go and read the comments on StripClubList. I haven’t seen so many special little cunts in one place since I last logged on to Facebook and went on the market place. The cunts that use this site just want to find out when certain girls are coming on shift, complain about random shit going on in the strip clubs around the US and just generally be complete cunts to every other cunt on the site! This is painful and I love it! Next time you’re bored, check the comments on StripClubList, cos it is just like a Facebook argument but with more strippers! fucking awesome!

Worldwide strip clubs on StripClubList

I thought that StripClubList only serviced the US at first, but then I realised that was just because all the nutty special cunts commenting on posts were from the US, surprising, I know! StripClubList does have a list of pretty much every strip club in the world, I think. I can see all of the strip clubs really close to me right now. I shall be rushing through the rest of this review to go and thoroughly review the services on offer at these strip clubs, I know, I know, the service you receive with these reviews is amazing! I am truly the most unselfish man in the world, the things I do for my readers!

Ways that StripClubList could improve their site

I really like StripClubList, it seems like a pretty professional strip club finding service, but the nutty cunts in the comments really make this site a joke. Honestly, I can’t take this site seriously because of the Facebook arguments and bollocks in the comments. A good way of StripClubList beating these cunts with a baseball (virtually I mean) is to get some admin peeps. These cunts need controlling cos they are making, an otherwise great site, look like a joke!

The Geek’s final thoughts on StripClubList

Honestly, StripClubList is fun site. I like that StripClubList exists as if you are in a town and want a lap dance, you can now easily find a place to hangout for the duration of your holiday! Good job StripClubList, but fix the nutty cunts, please! Wow, it is just a like a real strip club!

  • Good design
  • Plenty of info
  • Loads of strip clubs
  • The nutty cunts