Website Rank #24


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What is SurfGayVideo?

I have seen some creepy porn in my time, but never shit as bad as the load of crap on SurfGayVideo. SurfGayVideo is a gay porn site, by the way, if the title didn’t make that clear. This site has porn videos on it from young men. I have no clue how old these men are, but I hope to fuck they are legal! The porn on this site is creepy as all fuck, I wouldn’t recommend using SurfGayVideo for anything other than showing kids what can happen to them in certain situations!

The shit design of SurfGayVideo

The design of this creepy and fucking awful site is just as bad as most of the porn. It is a dark and gloomy site (fairly fitting actually as most of the videos on this site make you feel dark and depressed). The styling of this site is shit, but the worst of SurfGayVideo is yet to come.

The creepy porn on SurfGayVideo

I have watched three porn videos on SurfGayVideo, so far. I typically watch 20 or so to gauge whether a site can keep up with the buffering, whether there are ads and whether the porn videos work at all. However, I ain’t torturing myself with this shit any longer. One of the porn videos I saw was a young man who needed money an old dude in the toilets of a shop, this wasn’t fake, this was just a young guy filming it on his phone. Next was a webcam stream of a CUNT who was with his straight mate trying to grab his cock at any opportunity he had. The last was pretty innocent, just a dude jacking off.

The porn on this site is creepy as shit. It is very young men trying to make a buck, trying to turn their straight friends (James Charlies got into shit for that you cunts, you know it’s wrong, don’t try it, it is rape). Yeah, all of the videos on this site are really fucking horrible and shocking!

Do not go on SurfGayVideo!

I never ask you lovely fuckers to do anything for me, I just give you porn reviews and hope that you read them. However, anyone reading this, do not go to SurfGayVideo and check it out. Even if it is to see whether the porn is as bad as I say. Any more views on this site will keep it chugging along, and I don’t want that. I want this terrible site that promotes young men trying to make money with their ass and the potential rape of a guy to die in a hole where it belongs. Please do not check this shit porn site out!

  • Nothing...
  • Nothing...
  • Creepy as fuck
  • Shit design