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What is TFGames?

TFGames is a game forum. Here, you’ll find discussions about the most popular games in the world. You’ll also find some chat about games that you’ve never heard of before. TFGames has basically taken the Wiki format and turned it into a forum for people that love adult games. So, as you may expect, TFGames doesn’t look particularly nice, but the help that you can receive on this game site with your gameplay is second to none.

TFGames breaks down all of the biggest and best games ever created. Whether you want to look for a new game to play or find out some more info about a game you are already playing, you can on TFGames. However, that’s just the tip of the TFGames iceberg. So, let’s grab our fire axe and our massive door that could take two people as they float around the ocean (Rose you are a murderer) and let’s review this iceberg looking mother fucker, shall we?

The best games on TFGames

There’s a fuck load of games on TFGames so deciding which is the best one is like looking for a dildo in a haystack, but the community can really help you decide which porn title to play if you really can’t decide. As I said, TFGames is very much the Wikipedia of games and so there’s a fuck tonne of info about all the games on this site. You’ll find out about the plot, synopsis, characters and loads more about the games on here. There is even a walkthrough of most of the popular porn titles so you’ll never get stuck on a porn boss if you use the info on this site.

I think one of the best things about the stunning games on TFGames is that the community are really behind them. Most of the info on TFGames, from what I can gather, is provided by the community. So any info you see about a game on this site is from a person who has played it and loved it. So, there are no sneaky adverts for games or any bullshit like that. I like this, TFGames needs to continue with this model! It is very fresh and fun. Anyway, let me tell you about a game featured on TFGames right now!

The info about STRAPford on TFGames

I have never played STRAPford, but there is so much info about it on TFGames that I feel like I could complete this game pretty fucking quickly. STRAPford is all about time and money. You have to balance both in order to avoid corruption. Or, if you fancy being naughty, you can corrupt yourself too.

STRAPford is based in a self-governed city that can barely reach the outside world, so your character is pretty much alone in this a naughty corrupt world. Your list of sexual partners in the game, which is extensive, is pretty much exclusively women that love to dominate, but there are shemale and male options too. Your characters choices and the friends that you make all dictate how you are fucked in the game.

Just from this info about STRAPford, it sounds like a PlayStation game and I really want to play it. But this is just the tip of TFGames iceberg again! There is fuck loads more information about this game and all the other ones too. There is also reviews from the community about this game, so you can see what others think about all the games before you commit a pretty large amount of time to any of the games.

The community on TFGames

The community on any porn forum makes the forum what it is. I have to say that the community on TFGames is one of the best I have ever seen. Just going through the games on this site there are so many reviews on all of them. All of the reviews of the games are really in-depth and actually helpful too. Plus, the community contributes to all of the info about the games too. So without the community, TFGames would be truly fucked! The community provides everything helpful about the games and there is so much helpful info about all of the games on this site that I can’t commend the community enough!

When I review a porn forum, I typically mention the design of the forum as it is always pretty shit. I cannot stand the design of most porn forums as it is so fucking old and nasty. However, I am happy to waive these feelings of the design if the community is rich on the forum. So, in TFGames case, they get a massive pardon on their design. If the community of a forum makes the forum, which I believe it does, then even a design as shit as the one on TFGames doesn’t matter at all!

The Geek’s final thoughts on TFGames

TFGames is one of the best porn forums in the world. The amount of info about games on this site is amazing. If you have a passion for games and want to explore them further, you have to check out TFGames. You can find info about every game ever created. You can find out about all the sexiness and any challenging areas of the game that you are stuck on!

Honestly, TFGames is made and maintained by their community. The info that the community provides on TFGames is second to none. They have done a awesome job at making TFGames helpful and informative for anyone interested in games. Before you play any porn titles whether it is a new game or one you are deep into, check out TFGames and learn everything you need to know about it!

  • Large community
  • Great games
  • Lots of info
  • Basic looking site