Checking out TheCandidZone
TheCandidZone looks like a fun porn forum to while away a few hours on searching through the crapload of candid porn. There is a shit load of candid porn images, and videos on this porn site and all of them look to be really fucking enjoyable. Whether you are making your own candid shit or love looking at other homemade candid porn, there is a forum and a thread for you on TheCandidZone. However, there is also plenty of candid porn from porn sites on this forum too. This porn forum has everything a candid porn lover needs to get off.
However, what is this candid porn forum actually like to use? Is The Candid Zone any good and can it get a good score? Well, dear reader, we ain’t gonna find that shit out if we hang about in this section of this site review for much longer, are we? So, grab your binoculars and your shakey cam and let’s delve deep into this candid world and see if we can spot a tit or two!
The lovely design of TheCandidZone
I have to begin this site review by saying that TheCandidZone has probably the nicest design of any porn forum I have been on. Most porn forums have that really annoyingly old design that makes you feels like you have travelled back into the nineties, this porn forum doesn’t have that. Instead, it has a very modern feel about it. TheCandidZone feels really nice to use, and the styling of this porn forum is really nice too.
TheCandidZone does still have a very forum-like feel to it, but that is fine. This means that anyone who has used a porn forum before, will know exactly where to go to get naughty, but they have a refreshing and lovely atmosphere to do it in now. I really like the old forum layout in a lovely modern design. This porn forum is responsive, full of nice styling features and yet has the good old forum layout so that none of the community will get lost as they travel through this candid world of goodness. Top marks for this design TheCandidZone! This porn forum design is going to be the one I use to judge future porn forums that I review!
The community on TheCandidZone
The total posts on TheCandidZone reach over 10 million. If this doesn’t shout out to you that this porn forum has a great community, I don’t know what candid porn forums you are on right now, but this one seems strong and healthy! During my travels around this porn forum, I have been in a few naughty little threads (the leggings and yoga pants thread, the shorts thread and the non-candid photos thread) there are loads of discussions going on in all of these that start a few hours ago and a few days ago. There are posts in all of these sexy threads from mere minutes ago too. So, the community is looking damn strong on TheCandidZone.
The community on TheCandidZone posts a healthy mixture of candid amateur photos (ones either they took or sourced from another site) and then porn videos and images that are clearly done professionally but could still be considered candid at a push. There seems to be quite a good response to anything that you post on TheCandidZone too. One chap called KickingRocks posted a video on Thursday and already has 20,000 views on it. So, I am happy to say that TheCandidZone is shaping up nicely, but there is one annoying feature of this porn forum!
The one frustrating thing about TheCandidZone
I am a guest on TheCandidZone, clearly, as I am probably getting a bunch of shit about this porn forum ass-backward and driving the members reading this review crazy. However, as a guest, I cannot see anything. I am completely locked out of TheCandidZone, I cannot see any posts, discussions, images or videos. This is really annoying because I love candid porn, it is awesome.
I get that TheCandidZone wants to protect its members as some of them are really going out shooting candid stuff for this site and they may get in some serious shit if they are caught, I get that. But as a guest, I have nothing to go on to say that this candid forum is the best, and I will sign up straight away. It is only after you sign up that you can see any of the really good porn on this site and the great discussions. This is frustrating, and I wish that TheCandidZone could put something, just one thread from the forums out for us sexy guests to see as I think they would get far more people signing up for this awesome candid porn forum if they did.
The Geek’s final thoughts on TheCandidZone
Despite this one frustrating thing, TheCandidZone is a damn good porn forum and well worth taking the few minutes to make an account. Once you create your free account on TheCandidZone, you can explore the entire back catalog of this site and have a whale of a time. There are tons of sexy photos from loads of hot amateurs on this site that have been caught looking damn sexy in public. There are also lots of porn videos and professional photos too.
TheCandidZone has a great design, a really strong community and some of the best candid porn on the internet, what isn’t to like about this candid porn forum? Of course, I’d love it if TheCandidZone did give us a bit more juice before we became members so that we could see how damn good this porn forum was from the get-go as it feels like you’re taking a bit of chance signing up it, but other than that, TheCandidZone is a cracking porn site!
- Nice design
- Big community
- Lots of sexy content
- Completely blocks visitors