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What the hell is Tukif?

Tukif is a awesome looking porn site! It has porn from all of your favourite pornstars on it and plenty of porn from people you may not of heard of. I have only been on Tukif for a short while now, and I am already a fan of this site, I hope I don’t find anything that fucks that up! I really hope this site scores high, because right now, I am impressed by it!

Of course, Tukif isn’t perfect, there aren’t many porn sites in the world that are perfect, but Tukif is damn close! I can’t wait to explore this site further and bring you all along for the ride. So, if you have your oxygen masks, wetsuits and flipper ready, let’s dive deep into the pussy of this site and see what we can uncover, shall we? You’re in the splash zone now lads, let’s fucking get it!

The porn on Tukif

When I first came on Tukif, I thought that all of the porn videos would be really short. You know, the trailers to the porn video rather than full-length scenes. However, to my surprise, there’s a fuck load of full-length porn scenes on Tukif. The best part about the porn on this site is that there are porn scenes from pretty much around the globe. You have loads of Western porn on here that is full-length (a lot of this porn is just trailers and shit, though), you have some Eastern European porn that is full-length and filthy as always and some Japanese porn that goes to over an hour. If you know anything about Japanese porn, you’ll know that this isn’t really full-length porn, but that is forgivable!

So yeah, a lovely mix of porn that will get just about any cock hard. There isn’t much hardcore porn, it is the typically Western-style porn that is pretty harmless. You know the stuff, step-siblings and the like, but other than that, the porn on Tukif is really enjoyable. Most of the scenes that I have seen on Tukif have been HD too. So, nothing to complain about porn wise at all! Tukif is doing a sterling job with their porn! Surely there must be a shit part of this site! Let’s look at the design and see if that’s shit!

The design of Tukif

Yet again, the design of Tukif is nice too! I can’t believe this, I was expecting shit, and yet I get an awesome looking site! What the fuck is going on! Every single page I have tried on Tukif has worked flawlessly, the design looks really nice and everything about this site just feels really good. There aren’t even any ads breaking through my AdBlocker! Seriously, well-done Tukif you have shocked the fuck out of me so far!

You click on a porn video to watch it, it takes about 2 seconds to load! That is perfect! The speeds on Tukif are exceptional. I would say that Tukif is giving PornHub a run for its money with their speeds! This site is so impressive, I am scared to venture any further in case it fucks this up! Perfect score for design and porn so far, though. How can Tukif fuck this up? Well, read the fuck on dear reader!

The descriptions on Tukif

Here we go! I knew there would be something that Tukif would do to fuck this up! Well, partly fuck this site up anyway! The descriptions of the porn videos have been transcribed, so they are really shocking. None of the porn descriptions making any sense at all, which is a real shame! However, I can’t let a little blip fuck this site up, so I am going to accept the shit descriptions but for a good reason.

Yes, the porn video descriptions are awful, but you can preview the porn video by hovering over the video with your mouse. These porn previews work brilliantly, so they have saved the day. Had Tukif not had this feature or had this feature been awful, I would have torn these cunts a new asshole for their shitty descriptions. However, because we can preview the porn  so we can see what’s happening in the porn, you are forgiven Tukif. I would love to you improve these descriptions though as you would have a perfect site on your hands then!

The categories section of Tukif

Once again, Tukif has nailed it with their categories section! The categories section is just a little drop-down menu, but it works perfectly, and there are a shit load of categories to choose from. I love being able to filter porn, it brings me a lot of pleasure to rid my view of shit porn and so the fact that Tukif has so many categories will always be a plus for me!

The pornstars on Tukif

I really like how the pornstars feature on Tukif. They have little Instagram style pictures for the pornstars; it is a lovely touch. However, these pictures tell you about the pornstar, how many videos they have on Tukif, how many views, the percentage of users who likes them and loads more! This is such a nice feature! Well done, Tukif.

The Geek’s final thoughts on Tukif

Tukif is one of the best sites I have reviewed, ever. It is certainly one of the most perfect porn sites in the world. The porn is amazing, the design of the website is perfect, and everything else just has some lovely touches to it! I can’t say any more! Tukif is fucking amazing and you need to check this porn site out! Fix your descriptions, Tukif, and you may just receive a award!

  • Full-length porn
  • HD porn
  • Good design
  • Loads of categories
  • A little slow
  • Bad descriptions