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What is a chan?

In the English speaking parts of the world the chan culture started in 2003 with which was a copy of the Japanese Futaba Channel, a japanese image board set up in 2001. chan boards provide images and messages about many subjects, mainly video games, manga, anime, drawing & art projects, and lots of porn. Ordinarily they do not require registration so anyone can be anonymous. This led to the building of the Anonymous culture. Most chan sites have areas with a lot of porn that is uploaded by users.

Layout and more about U18Chan

When you first arrive at the site you see a page with News, FAQ and Rules. When visiting these types of sites its always a good idea to get familiar with them first if you are going to register and post so you don’t get banned. Some people just like to lurk and check things out, if thats the case then go ahead and dive right in and check the place out. In the top left are menu items it says Furry Related, The Basement, General, Indices and Misc. Each one of those have a drop down to choose where you want to go. On the right side it says Fap Mode, then a twitter icon, and a link to change the style of the site.

Inside the Misc section there is a page called guide so that could be a place you want to go first to see what this place is all about. Not only that, it takes you directly to each item that they describe when you click the link. The main thing about this site is Furries. If you look around you will quickly realize that. Its mostly about things to do with furries. Basically a furry fan is an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online.

Delving deeper into the site U18Chan

Clicking on the first link Furry Related, then Furries loads up a board with pictures of animated furries. Some posts are adult related and some are not, so its basically a free for all with people posting all sorts of different photos of drawings and paintings. From reading it, there are also people in here that create the art and share how they do it, etc. If you are a fan of this type of art definitely head over to the link General then Wallpaper. There are some really amazing works of art here and of course you can save them and use them as wallpaper on your pc or just admire them.

Another cool area of the site is the Indices. Basically it is a list of indexes. One that is very good is the Animated Index. I love animation so this one is very cool for me to check out. There is also an area for video games. If you are into video games there are photos and discussions in that area. In the Furry Related section there is a board called Furry Comics, its definitely heavy on the adult site. Images and comics of furry creatures nude or having sex. When you go to the General then Discussion board its people discussing all sorts of things, so it may be a good place to start.

My favorite parts of U18Chan

There is a board inside Misc called Recent And Search, that is definitely a good place to check out because its up to date and will give you a good idea of what this place is all about if you scroll down and browse some of the posts. And apparently Gay Furries are a very popular thing, there are two different boards devoted to that. Not my sort of thing but hey, its there and available to you. There is a search box on the top left side of the Recent and Search page, I am going to try a search for Pokemon and see what crazy stuff comes up. Well, the results came back very quickly and some of them are pretty amazing artwork.

From what I can see of this entire website is that its mostly cartoon art and discussion of the same. Going back to the search, when you search you can search the entire site or you can mark the check boxes next to whatever area that you want to search. This is really good if you want to maybe find something that you saw before in a board so instead of scrolling you can just do a quick search for it.

Things I did not like of U18Chan

Speaking of the search box, I think it would be quite easier to just have the box also on the first page or at least a link to the search board on the menu at the top to quickly get to it instead of having to go inside a link to get there. Nothing major but yeah. It looks like from what I have seen there is no video page or boards, so this is just a text and image board. Maybe a video page would be cool for like cosplay women or maybe I just don’t enough about furries and that is a big no no. The link to Fap Mode did not seem to work.

The Bottom Line about U18Chan

There are so many sections to this site its just the kind of place that you just need to come to and explore. If you are into furries, pokemon, comics and even all of those with porn combined its a great place to find some cool stuff. Great artwork, comics, wallpaper or just hang out and have discussions with people about who knows what. There are a lot of discussions about art and comics. There is a cool section called cute which has a lot of really nice little comics that remind me of the old Sunday newspaper style of stuff.

Final Ramblings about U18Chan

While this site is not really a porn website there are definitely a lot of things having to do with porn here. Just about every furry type of cartoon character you can ever think of can be found here and I bet if they are not here you could ask for it and someone would draw or paint it or even animate it and put it on the site somewhere.

  • Huge Porn Site
  • Totally Free
  • Can Save Images
  • No Videos