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MrPornGeek checks out UrbanHentai

I don’t know what is Urban about UrbanHentai, but I can tell you what is hentai about it! UrbanHentai has a crapload of hentai porn. Well, it appears to have a lot of porn. However, I have been on this porn site for about half an hour, and I haven’t managed to get a porn video to play yet! If there’s no porn on UrbanHentai, I will tear this site a new asshole and not in a good way!

The design of UrbanHentai

Well, the design of UrbanHentai is really nice. It is a very basic design, but porn doesn’t need to get complicated. The site looks good and feels nice to roam. The design of UrbanHentai may not win any awards, but it is responsive and feels good, so that’s a plus.

The layout of UrbanHentai is also really nice. Over the 37 pages of porn, there are 30 thumbnails for porn videos on each page and that is pretty much it. The layout of UrbanHentai just focuses on the porn without any of the categories bollocks getting in the way.


I was pleasantly surprised when I came on to UrbanHentai, the site looks good, it feels good, and I was ready to watch some porn and review the site. And so, I opened five videos to see how the site handled it. The site is slow to load pages, often taking about five seconds per page, but that’s forgivable if the porn is good.

I clicked the play button for the porn and was happy that no pop-up ad came out. However, the first video didn’t load. No worries, I tried the next porno, that didn’t work. So far, I have tried 15 porn scenes on this site, and none of them have worked. Are you kidding me UrbanHentai? What kind of schoolyard bullshit is this? You bunch of useless cartoon cunts!

Additional features for UrbanHentai to consider

Hmm, what could UrbanHentai add to their website to make it better? PORN VIDEOS! I came here for the porn and I ain’t fucking leaving until I watch some cartoon cunts get fucked! This hentai site looked to be one the best in the world, but how quickly that changed! UrbanHentai is a piece of shit that isn’t worth the code it’s made on!

The Geeks final thoughts on UrbanHentai

Fuck this useless piece of shit porn site and all the cartoon cunts on it! I came here for porn, I got excited that the site looked good and then I got blue-balled. This is cat-fishing in the worst way possible. I expected this site to be bad; I was pleasantly surprised by this site, only to find out it was a 65-year-old with no teeth, in drag ready to suck my dick for 5 dollars in a dumpster! Bunch of cartoon cunts!

  • Good design
  • Lots of content
  • Great layout
  • None of the porn worked
  • Low speeds