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On cloud nine with VoyeurClouds?

Right, VoyeurClouds holds a collection of amateur photos and videos of all things voyeur and many things that aren’t voyeur. VoyeurClouds is a part of Vcity. I have no fucking idea what makes these sites different and I don’t care enough to go on Vcity and find out. To be quite honest, VoyeurClouds hasn’t impressed enough to really explore this site let alone a partner site.

Now, you may be thinking that the design of this porn site looks awesome and so why would I not be impressed by this site? Well, I think we should review this cunt so you can see exactly why! There’s a lot wrong with VoyeurClouds as you’ll find out! So grab your binoculars, your camera and your shady looking hat and let’s get out in the public and sneakily take photos of VoyeurClouds and see how they like it, shall we?

The community on VoyeurClouds

So, the community on VoyeurClouds takes a fuck load of shady photos of unsuspecting people in public. These photos are all of sexy looking ladies that we’d all stare at in public, but the users on VoyeurClouds took this a stage further and started taking photos of them and posting them on the site. Now, candid photos have been around for years. In fact, the first-ever photo with people in it could be considered a candid photo, but it’s just creepy! There are photos on VoyeurClouds of people in a park exercising, having a walk, taking the dog out and some old cunt with a camera is taking their photo, it’s creepy!

There is also all the standard voyeur shit of wives and stuff like that. I don’t mind this type of porn. This is just a couple exploring their sexual shit, but leave the public out of your creepy sexual shit! Go to a nude beach, if you must, but leave the sexy girls trying to tan alone, just a dig a hole for your boner and lay there and appreciate them like the rest of us!

I can’t tell whether there is a good community on VoyeurClouds or not. Some of the photos on the site have over 200 likes, and then some of the image galleries show nothing about likes at all. There’s a hand full of comments around the site, but not much in the way of a community feel at all.

Is there much content on VoyeurClouds?

I have no fucking clue how much content there is on VoyeurClouds. Some sections of the site show uploads from a few days ago which appears to be the latest porn in these sections. The news section doesn’t look like it’s been updated since 2017 and yeah, I can’t work it out. Most of the stuff on VoyeurClouds just seems to be recycled from the other site! At the moment, there is over 200,000 videos and photos on VoyeurClouds, but I can barely find any of them! Plus, a lot of the videos and photos on this site are from the most amateur amateurs out there, so a lot of the videos are awful and most of the photos aren’t much better.

There is some good porn on VoyeurClouds (I couldn’t find this in the video section, though), but it is rare. Plus, you have to become a member of VoyeurClouds to view any of the porn images full size and to view all of the short and shit videos too.

The design of VoyeurClouds and why it is too good

The design of VoyeurClouds is really nice. The whole site feels lovely to navigate (although it’s confusing as fuck) and it has a very modern feel. However, this is the last thing that VoyeurClouds needs! You see, as all of the videos are really low quality, clearly shot on phones, they look so much worse on a fresh and modern website. This website design is too polished for the porn. The porn looks terrible because of how nice the design is. However, the image galleries do look quite nice.

I am at a lost with the design of VoyeurClouds. On the one hand, the porn videos look as old as some of the old pussy on this site, but the image galleries work really nicely and look really good with this design. So, VoyeurClouds could hide the videos on the site, or at least the shit ones, or tone down the design on those pages. I dunno, VoyeurClouds is a odd porn site, I can’t tell if I like it or despise it yet!

The Geek’s final thoughts on VoyeurClouds

Firstly, the candid photos of the sexy ladies in public places are weird. I understand and appreciate that there are some sexy girls in public and we are very lucky that ladies wear the things they wear. But why the fuck can’t you cunts just enjoy the image instead of taking creepy photos of these people who are just going about their day. If this section of the site is staged, then cool, if not, you’re creepy cunts! And that ain’t a compliment so don’t take it like one VoyeurClouds!

The rest of the site is just kind of a bit shit. You can’t view any full-size images or any videos if you aren’t a member, but VoyeurClouds barely gives you anything to make your mind up about joining. There are a few image galleries on this site, some really shit videos that are locked and then some photos of wives and stuff that you can can’t view full screen either. Why would I join this site, it appears that most of the content on VoyeurClouds is just borrowed from the partner site anyway! I’m confused by VoyeurClouds, I think I hate it, but some of the ladies on it (very few of them) are sexy as fuck.

  • Great design
  • Fairly big community
  • Some bad videos
  • Not much content