Website Rank #370

Voyeur Monkey

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Voyeur Monkey – why is this monkey such a cunt?

Voyeurmonkey is the biggest pile of shit I have seen in quite some time. In fact, I went to the circus the other day, and there was a real ugly cunt riding this elephant around. That ugly cunt fell off of this elephant and landed with their face right in a massive pile of fresh elephant shit. Even that ugly cunt coated in fresh elephant shit was a better sight than this piece of fuck!

Voyeur Monkey is just a random collection of links to porn that never needed to exist! This pile of shit is just awful and should’ve to stay hidden in the depths of the internet. However, it ended up on my desk, and now I have to review this pile of shit. So, I ain’t happy about it, but let’s review this cunt so I can go track down the cunt who made it and give them a piece of my mind and cock!

The porn on Voyeurmonkey

WHAT FUCKING PORN! There is nothing on this website, other than some kinky sounding links. Click one of these porn links, and you are on another site that has a few images on it. In these images, a lady gets slightly naked, and then the gallery ends and the ads start. That’s it, that is all this site has to offer. Are you kidding me Voyeur Monkey, in this day and age, you’re offering us this load of shit as porn?

There are some porn videos mixed in with the shit image galleries on this site, there is nothing indicating what is an image gallery and what is a video, of course, you just have to click and hope. So, great, porn videos! Yay! Well, no, not at all. The videos are 2 minutes long. That’s your lot, thanks for visiting Voyeurmonkey, the shittest site ever created!

Something positive about Voyeur Monkey

There is perhaps one image gallery a day on Voyeurmonkey that is a full porn shoot or a full sexy image shoot. That is the only positive of Voyeur Monkey. Can you find this porn image gallery on other sites? Of course, you can. Is it worth going on Voyeurmonkey to see this image gallery? Of course, it isn’t!

Voyeur Monkey just gets worse the more time you spend on it! The horrible background begins to hurt your eyes, so does most of the porn. The constant notes from the cunts who created the site offering you other Voyeurmonkey sites (oh, we’ll get to this shit) and every single detail about Voyeurmonkey is just painful, shit and shocking. To think that some cunt updates this site daily is insane! Who the fuck is using this site! The people I can think of who’d use Voyeur Monkey are people who don’t know that any other site exists. So mental people and idiots! Fuck this site it is so bad!

The Voyeur Monkey Network

I have just tried to follow a link to Voyeur Monkey’s cam site. The ad on this cunt of a site says they have had to add more servers to their cam girl site because of how popular it is. It also says something about more Canadians need to visit the site, I don’t know why Voyeurmonkey wants to torture Canadians, but they do. However, click on the link on the homepage of Voyeur Monkey and nothing happens!

Voyeurmonkey also has a site called Pinned, which is a shit version of Instagram that they think contains lots of funny shit. However, what this piece of dog shit actually contains is a bunch of shit that the internet found funny about 10 years ago. And then some random photos of some hot chicks, no idea why they are funny! Perhaps Voyeurmonkey will say that they are trans women and that’s why it’s funny, you know because their sense of humor is as old as this website looks!

The Geek’s finals thoughts on Voyeur Monkey

I have said that a lot of porn sites are the worst thing I have ever seen in these reviews and I would like to publically apologize to those websites right now. Voyeur Monkey is, in fact, the biggest load of useless shit I have ever seen. The Voyeurmonkey network is a joke, every website is awful. Even the sites that contain porn videos. The videos are all 2 minutes! This isn’t porn, Voyeur Monkey, you cunts, this is trailers to porn. Put some porn on your site!

I would like to apologize on Voyeur Monkey’s behalf for their shit site. I hope that none of our readers check out Voyeurmonkey, because it is shit! Close this site down Voyeur Monkey. You don’t deserve porn, porn is for life, not just for a fleeting moment when dial-up was still a thing. You have to preserve porn and update your site. Well, Voyeurmonkey don’t, they need to burn this shit to the ground, the whole network, and burying it a desert somewhere.

  • Some good images
  • 1 or 2 videos
  • One big ad
Voyeur Monkey