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VQPorn Has a malicious Viruses named: Rocket.Sirefef.Spy and Trojan.FakeAVP Which Will Compromise Your Personal And Financial Information.VQPorn is NOT SAFE

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What is VQPorn?

Well, for the few seconds that I have quickly peered through the curtain put up by VQPorn as soon as they saw my Adblocker, the site looked really good. This site looks like it has a fantastic design and some really nice styling. However, I could only see VQPorn for brief moments in time before a pop-up blocked this site from view as it told me to disable my Adblocker. Not one to shy away from a porn review, I did disable my Adblocker and refreshed the page. Did it work? Could I watch porn? Could I fuck! This site continued to block the porn from my horny gaze. So, I thought “fuck it”, I will review this little bitch of a site regardless (I’m hoping I can block this site review from VQPorn just to give them a bloody taste of their own medicine). So, if you like looking at porn sites through an opaque curtain as much as me, you’ll love this site! Let’s review this pile of garbage, shall we?

The porn on VQPorn

What porn? The porn looks amazing from the quick second of a gaze that I could get through the Adblocker bullshit, but I couldn’t really see many thumbnails in the time I had, and I certainly couldn’t fucking watch any of it.

VQPorn is a frustrating piece of shit

Why the fuck does VQPorn need me to disable adblocker so that I can watch their porn? Porn sites have figured out shit loads of ways of breaking through Ad-blocking software, why can’t this cunt do that too? What is the point of this site other than to show you what a shit pile of cunt of a site looks like?

The Geek’s final thoughts on VQPorn

VQPorn only serves to show us porn lovers that piles of shit sites do still exist. This site does look like it has good porn on it, but I cannot see any of it because of their stupid system. I would say that 9 out of 10 people who go on VQPorn will quickly go to another porn site that actually works because this pile of shit isn’t a porn site, it is barely a website, it is simply a URL and not a very original one at that!

Yeah, this site can go and fuck itself. I don’t care that the porn on this site looks good. There are thousands of sites out there that don’t make you jump through pissing hoops to watch some porn, so why on earth would I come on VQPorn and jump through their cock rings to watch some, probably, mediocre porn? Get a fucking life, VQPorn, you pile of cunts, shit and cocks!

  • Somme good porn
  • Some hot pornstars
  • Won't work with Adblocker
  • Dangerous to visit