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What is WayBig all about?

I was trying to guess what WayBig was about before I came on this site. Was WayBig about massive tits? Was this site about huge cocks? Or is this site actually about fat people sex? Well, what I found on WayBig was a mixture of the above, apart from the fat people part. WayBig is actually a gay site. So, it does have a lot of big cocks on it, it also has some massively muscly dudes on it and some massive tits as there are some bi videos on here too.

WayBig is an odd name for this porn site, though. All of the gay porn scenes on this site are pretty normal stuff, you know, there isn’t much porn on this site that I would put into any of the “big” categories found on normal sites. So why the name of this site? No fucking idea! And we won’t find that out sitting around with our thumbs up our ass will we dear reader? So, let’s pop our thumbs out and get our asses in gear and review this fucker, shall we?

The porn on WayBig

As I said, I wouldn’t put any of the porn in WayBig into the “big” category on any porn site. Don’t get wrong, there are some big lads on this site (muscly big, not fat big), there are also some impressively big cocks on this site too, and Alura Jensen features in one of the porn scenes on the front page of WayBig, and she has some huge assets! So, other than those few things, I haven’t a clue why the fuck they decided to name this site WayBig, but I ain’t judging ya, I am judging ya your porn, though.

The porn on WayBig is really short. Basically, every porn video on WayBig is just a little teaser trailer of the full porn scene. If you like this porn trailer, you can then click a link and check out the rest of the porn video on the actual site that made it. WayBig also has the images from the porn shoot in the article about the scene too. Each porn video on WayBig has a lovely little description, the video trailer and the images to promote the scene. That is all, but that is pretty good, to be honest!

The reason I like WayBig

I really like WayBig for several reasons. Firstly, the design of this site is really nice. Every porn article is laid out really nicely on the front page, they all have lovely thumbnails and they all have a nice little rating too. The front page of this website really invites you to click on the porn, which is exactly what it should do! (that’s a message for other sites that are shit, copy WayBig, you useless cunts!)

The next reason I like WayBig is because of how short the porn trailers are. Yeah, I know this is a odd reason to like a site, but let me explain! WayBig feels more like a porn news site than a typical site that is just stealing videos from mainstream gay porn sites and trying to make money off of them. WayBig is really just advertising the hottest gay porn in the world. So, rather than just stealing shit off of gay sites, they are offering their viewers a quick clip of the porn and saying that they got to check it out! I like this; there are so many sites stealing porn that this feels really refreshing. Of course, it could be frustrating to go on this gay site and think you can have a jerk of the gherk on there as all the clips are really short, in some cases, the porn clips are less than a minute, but as long as you know what WayBig is all about it, you’ll love it! It’s a great way of finding some really good porn!

I think WayBig is one of my favourite sites simply because they are trying something different. Too many sites follow the same boring mould of sites like PornHub, so I can appreciate a fresh look at porn! Well done, WayBig!

The Geek’s final thoughts on WayBig

Fuck it, the more time I spend on WayBig, the more I like it! I think that this refreshing way of laying out a site and delivering porn trailers is exciting. I think WayBig is probably making more people spend a few dollars on porn and that’s never a bad thing! If more people are buying porn, more porn will be made! I think that WayBig is a refreshing site. It has a excellent design, the layout is perfect and the articles are actually enjoyable!

So many sites try the articles and blogs shit and fuck them up because they are not invested in writing this shit, but WayBig actually seems excited about the porn videos they have on their website. That is fucking awesome. One thing I’d say about WayBig is that they also don’t mind any bad reviews on the porn videos either. All of the porn videos on WayBig have a user rating, and they are clearly honest, cos most of them have a pretty bad rating. This is great. This means that WayBig isn’t doing their site for the money, they are doing it so that you can find the best gay porn in the world.

Honestly, I can’t find a fault with WayBig at all. Of course, this site isn’t the place to go if you need a quick jerk, but there’s fuck loads of sites for that! This is site brings you articles about the best gay porn in the world, love it!

  • Brilliant design
  • Great collection of porn
  • HD porn
  • Just trailers