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MrPornGeek checks out Xfobo

Xfobo is a delightful forum with lots of topics on it. There are forum threads on Xfobo about photography, shooting videos, even computer coding. However, the reason that the Geek has checked out Xfobo is because of the crazy amount of porn on this site. Xfobo has so many threads to do with porn that the Geek couldn’t contain himself. Sure, you can find normal TV shows and movies on Xfobo, you can also find some new music to listen to, but you can also find one of the largest collections of porn I have ever seen on a forum that isn’t purely about porn too! Something that surprised me a lot about Xfobo was that the porn side of this site is only really one part of the whole thing. You have thousands of porn threads on this site, from the mildest porn to some of the most hardcore stuff you can imagine. Perfectly mixed in with regular topics. So, is Xfobo the place to go to choose your next porn video to watch? Well, like all forums, Xfobo must have a good community to stand any chance of being a great porn site, so let’s take a look at the community now, shall we?

The community on Xfobo

All told, there are only about 17,000 members on Xfobo. This doesn’t sound like a lot of members for a porn forum, and it isn’t. However, these 17,000 horny people have certainly been busy. There are nearly 7 million posts on Xfobo. Sure, not all of these posts are porn-related, but a large portion of them are. Some of these porn posts are about one pornstar in one porn video they did. Others are about porn videos and where to watch them. Other posts are all about porn sites that offer free, full-length porn videos. So, the community on Xfobo has done a lot of work making this forum a porn paradise!

The porn on Xfobo

As I said, each porn post is very varied. So, on some threads, you may come across pornstars in a photo gallery they did. You may also find a link to a porn video. But in many of porn threads on this site, you are likely to find a porn site that offers loads of free, HD porn. Plus, Xfobo has a whole range of porn genres too. From very mild lesbian porn to some of the most hardcore scat porn you have ever seen!

Is Xfobo worth exploring?

The short answer is, yes. Xfobo has so much porn on it that I couldn’t discuss it all in this review. The sheer amount of porn on this forum is actually quite daunting. The community on Xfobo is really strong too. Plus, you can actually get away with looking at Xfobo when your wife is in the room because there are loads of other threads about completely mainstream stuff too.

  • Huge community
  • Loads of porn threads
  • Free porn videos and more
  • Older styling