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Xshare – putting the X in XXX?

Oh, I may have a aneurysm before this day is over if I have to look at another site like this! What the fuck is going on with porn sites nowadays! There used to be a time when I could come to work and enjoy reviewing some good sites. Now there is an influx of shitty sites like this one that drives me to cutting my cock off, sticking it in a jar and sending it to my ex-girlfriend! She was right, reviewing sites will turn me crazy! Who knew?

Oh yeah, I should tell you what Xshare is all about before I rip it a new asshole and wear it like jewellery. Xshare is a porn sharing website. You can upload your favourite porn video to this site and share it with other users. So it is basically a normal site, but they do none of the hard work, they leave all the work to their users and then try and make money off of this hard porn lifting with ads, sounds great right? Well, funnily enough, this isn’t what has me annoyed about this cunt of a site. Let’s get the fuck into this review and find out why Xshare can truly go and fuck itself!

The idea of Xshare

As I said, users uploads porn videos to Xshare and then other users can enjoy them. You can share your favourite porn scenes with friends and family if you wish. Now, while I don’t mind this model for a porn site, I have my concerns. Firstly, all of the porn on Xshare is professional porn. This means that this cunt of a site is getting its users to steal all of the porn they upload. This means that if the feds come a-knocking, Xshare isn’t to blame, it is the users.

Xshare can massively fuck off for this idea. Firstly, most of the porn on Xshare is mediocre bollocks, and secondly, they are making money off of their user’s hard work! You can view all the porn on Xshare for free, but you have to deal with ads which are making the cunts money, or you can become a premium member of this cunt of a site. Weirdly, Xshare doesn’t charge for memberships so clearly they are using their premium members for their uploading skills. Fuck this site and everything it stands for. However, although I am livid about this shit, that isn’t even the worst thing about this site, not by a long shot.

The porn on Xshare – What porn?

NONE OF THE PORN ON THIS CUNT OF A PORN SITE FUCKING WORKS! YOU USELESS HAIRY CUNT OF A DEPTH OF HELL LOOKING MOTHER FUCKER! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS CUNT OF A WEBSITE! Right now, this website could just be a paperweight because it isn’t offering anything else of value.

I have no idea whether being a member of this cunt of a poxy site would make the porn work, I didn’t bother trying. I just saw red when none of the porn videos worked and started typing! However, I doubt any of the porn videos on this stupid site do work. They have all been stolen from other sites, and so, of course, the porn on this site won’t work! Xshare is making their users steal porn videos, then making them sit through pop up ads to watch them and then offering them broken links and failed porn videos when they get caught.

Fuck this piece of shit. What a bunch of useless cunts! Running a site is easy and should be enjoyable, this is as painful as getting stabbed in the cock on your birthday by your mother!

The things I would change about Xshare

Oh, fuck me I would change everything about this fucking site if I could. In fact, I hope I meet a balding and crazy scientist like Rick or that cunt from Back to the Future so I can go back in time and kill the cunt who made this website! It is a load of shit!

I wouldn’t try and make Xshare change anything. I only do that if a site is actually offering something of worth in a slightly misguided way. I try and help porn sites get better if they have a cool idea they just aren’t making cocks hard yet. However, Xshare can eat the biggest dick wrapped in the biggest piece of dog shit ever. Change nothing Xshare because I hope you burn in the firey layers or hell with bullet ants biting your cock forever and ever. You pile of donkey shit.

The Geek’s thoughts on Xshare

I have no thoughts on Xshare, Xshare is just a distance memory for me now. It is a useless piece of shit site that offers its users a fuck load of hard work so that the site can make money. Fuck em! If they want to make a site where the porn doesn’t work and all the users are uploading more porn only for it to be deleted or fucked over, then let them! Why the fuck any cunt is using this site to jerk off is beyond me!

Xshare is full of old porn that doesn’t work, and it would be completely and utterly shit if it were to work anyway. What’s the point of this site? Please, one of you cunts tell me, cos I have no idea! This is the shittest site I have ever had the misfortune to review!

  • Nearly acceptable design
  • Categories
  • Pornstar directory
  • None of the porn works