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X Small Girls: Mr. Porn Geek’s analysis

It should come as no surprise to anyone who frequents Mr. Porn Geek’s review platform on a semi-regular basis that I was really pumped to write up my thoughts and feelings on X Small Girls. See, I’ve always been the type of guy that loves having sex with skinny chicks – if you give me a small babe that I can pick up and fuck, I’m going to do exactly that! /r/XSmallGirls is an interesting community that I’m sure has some great content, although I’ll have to put it to the test before I give it the Mr. Porn Geek seal of approval. Continue reading and I’ll tell you all about the X Small Girls subreddit.

Numbers at X Small Girls

Objective data is the way to start off reviews on subreddits, so let’s look at the cold hard facts associated with /r/XSmallGirls. To begin with – this NSFW community was founded in July of 2012, which means it has just turned 7 years of age! There are currently 227,000+ subscribers here, meaning that it’s somewhere in the top 150 subreddits based purely on the number of followers it has. If we sort submissions using the new tab, we’ll see that posts come in around 40 times or so per day – it’s active to say the very least. I like what I’m seeing on the objective side of X Small Girls, but does the material hold up and give us a decent amount of adult goodness to squeeze our hogs to?

Subjective thoughts on XSmallGirls

As a lover of petite women, I figured that I was in a pretty good position to let you know whether or not X Small Girls delivered in the content department. Let’s go ahead now and sort posts on the number of upvotes they have, limiting submissions to just the last year. Out of the top 25 links, only 4 were to GFYCat: this is slightly disappointing because I’m a big fan of short clips, but it could be a lot worse, right? You’ll notice that most of the top links on the subreddit is original content, meaning that the petite girls you see voluntarily added the material to Reddit for you to jerk off over. I looked at 50 posts and I’d say that this little spinner was my favorite by far – she seems to know how to tease the camera.

My conclusion on /r/XSmallGirls

There are actually around 5 or so larger communities devoted to petite babes, but I don’t think they update as often as X Small Girls does. This gives me a clear indication that this is a top place to find bite-sized beauties in action, so yeah – I’m giving /r/XSmallGirls my official seal of approval and a recommendation that you check it out. As always, thanks for tuning in to Mr. Porn Geek for the best porn reviews and be sure to come back again whenever you need fresh advice on the hottest spots Reddit has to offer for petite porn!

  • Petite sluts
  • Lots of original content
  • Incredibly active
  • Needs more clips
  • Limited hardcore content