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What is the fuck is Yiffalicious?

I think Yiffalicious is a furry VR game, but it is hard to tell. Yiffalicious doesn’t have an about me page, their Wiki page is blank, and their forum is a very furry rabbit hole that scared the absolute piss out of me. So, Yiffalicious could be a VR game available for Windows that is all about furry sexual shit, or it could be a non-sexual VR game, or it could just be something else, I really have no idea! I know that Yiffalicious isn’t for me, though!

What’s the game like?

Are you having a laugh? Yeah, I went a brought VR goggles to test out a furry game for this review! You lot take the piss. If you think my first VR experience is going to be a cunt of a game all about living as a furry and dragons, you’re crazy! Also, why dragons, Yiffalicious? There’s an image on the site, I am guessing from the game, of two dragon looking motherfuckers that appear to be getting down and dirty. Dragons aren’t furry! Well, they could’ve been, they are made up anyway, a dragon can be whatever the fuck it wants to be. But the dragons in the image aren’t furry. Am I missing something? Does a furry not need to be furry? Can they just be a mythical creature? Be a unicorn! Unicorns aren’t real, and they are furry!

Fuck I am so fucking confused by all of this! Is this game about bringing furries to life and letting them fuck in their dressed-up states? Are the characters in the game dressed up or are they actual animals? I have so many questions about this game and no desire to play it! I am creeped out, scared of the forum, impressed by the design of the website and a wee bit horny! Odd, very odd!

The Geek’s final thoughts on Yiffalicious

I have no idea! Yiffalicious has confused the shit out of me! I have no idea if this sex game is any good, because I can’t play it, and the website has impressed and scared me at the same time. I doubt that Yiffalicious is very good, though, to be honest. All of the money that goes into making this odd game is donated by Patreons and shit like that. Yiffalicious is earning $5,406 a month, which is impressive, but a drop in the ocean when it comes to game creations!

I dunno about Yiffalicious. Clearly, they have fans and a fucking lot of them. The furry sex game is ready to play right now, if you have a VR headset, play it, record it and show it to me, I want to see! So, is Yiffalicious any good? Sure, it’s the best furry VR game in the world! And the only one!

  • VR game
  • Nicely design site
  • Good graphics
  • Not much info