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Did you know that porn scenes often have a photographer on-site during the scene to take photos of all the good stuff?  These photos are typically used to promote the porn video, either on the back of a DVD cover or more commonly nowadays on the interwebs. However, YourDailyGirls decided that what people really want is to look at these images. I am sure that most of you cunts will agree with me that watching the moving pictures of a porn scene can be very exhausting some times. There is a lot of bouncing in porn, and your eyes can only move up and down for so long before they get a little sore, right? I’m glad you agree, so, what YourDailyGirls decided was to take the movement out of the porn.

So, YourDailyGirls is a photo gallery that is updated daily with the images from porn scenes. Just your very standard promotional porn photos that every porn scene has. This is wonderful. Rather than those damn annoying moving pictures of porn that are often referred to as videos, you get to see loads of your favourite porn scenes broken down into manageable still images. The best part of YourDailyGirls is that they don’t even include the whole porn scene in most cases, so you are always left wondering how the porn scene ends. Because that’s what porn needed, more mystery!

The images on YourDailyGirls

There are nearly 900,000 images on YourDailyGirls in 61,000 galleries. This is a lot of images of porn, I am impressed. Well, a lot of the images are of the girls posing before the porn really begins. So, half that number and you might actually get to a true representation of the porn images on this site. That’s fine though, I love looking at images of sexy women in clothing, that’s why I came on a porn site!

So, as you may expect, there are shit loads of cumshot photos on YourDailyGirls. Perfect, my favourite kind of porn images are cumshot images, they are the best one of any porn image gallery, don’t you think? Oh, no, there aren’t many cumshot images at all on this site. Most of the image galleries just sort of end halfway through the scene.

But at least you get to see the storyline of the scene break down through the images, right? No, no you don’t. Most of the images galleries on YourDailyGirls start with clothed people and end with naked people with cock inside a pussy. I know the porn must have a storyline but what it is, I couldn’t tell ya!

The design of YourDailyGirls

The feel and look of YourDailyGirls is good. Every page is very responsive and each porn image gallery loads really quickly.  There is also some lovely categories down the left hand side of the page and more on the right. Most of this “porn site” is very nicely done. It feels like a great place to watch some still images of porn.

Of course, when you get onto the porn image galleries, you can see all of the images on one page, when you find a lovely image that you can’t wait to see a bigger version of, you click on it. Then, nothing happens. You end up waiting longer for an image to load on this site than you did back in the early ’00s and yet still nothing happens. You are just sat there, cock in hand, miserable, sounds like my Friday nights!

What’s wrong with YourDailyGirls?

If you haven’t guessed by now, I’ve been playing a dangerous game with YourDailyGirls. This site is fucking pointless, it doesn’t need to exist. Most of the image galleries do not include a full porn scene. There is nothing to do with the storyline of the porn, so what’s the point of having any images of clothed people in the galleries. Hardly any of the image galleries show the completion of a scene, not even the lesbian scenes, but it’s hard to say when a lesbian scene is over in an image anyway. And most of the images do not load when you try and view them full size.

What’s wrong with YourDailyGirls? Well, it is a collection of image galleries from porn scenes that don’t include the whole scene. You can find all of the porn scenes on this site on other porn sites where you can actually watch the video of the porn scene. Why does this site exist? These are just promotional shots from porn scenes, the shots that the makers of the porn use to tease us on other porn sites. They are not for helping you cum, they are adverts! So the biggest problem with YourDailyGirls is that it exists at all, it does not offer any value to porn in any way.

The Geek’s final thoughts on YourDailyGirls

I understand that people are partial to a porn gallery. I enjoy pictures of porn just like you, but this website is just not a very good example of a good porn image gallery. A good porn image gallery doesn’t use promotional shots from a porn film, these are stand-alone porn images that the model has gone to set purposely to shoot, they are not a by-product of her getting fucked for a film.

It is a real shame for YourDailyGirls because the design of this site is fucking good, really good, honestly. But the whole idea behind the porn on this site is just misguided and shit. Plus if you are going to have galleries of images from porn scenes, you could at least include the whole scene, like the storyline and the cumshot. I think YourDailyGirls could be a really fun site, but right now, it is the most pointless site I have ever laid my eye on!

  • Loads of porn images
  • Great design
  • Responsive
  • No porn videos
  • Not really needed