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What’s ZB Porn all about then?

I am still figuring out what the fuck ZB Porn is all about! When I first visited this site, I saw a shit load of amateur porn with hideous thumbnails and I thought “wonderful, here we go, another fucking amateur porn site”. However, a closer inspection of this site shows that there is a lot of pro-porn on this site too. Some of this pro porn is the typical trailer of the full-length scene that you can find on every porn tube site. However, there are also a smattering of full-length scenes too.

ZB Porn is certainly a strange site. There is a shit load of amateur porn on the front page that really put me off at first, but now I am exploring this site, I am liking what I am seeing. However, how will ZB Porn stack up against the porn tube competition?  ZB Porn has to beat out a lot of shit hot porn sites for the top spot! Can this site do it? Well, as always, grab your webcam, strap-on and a cup of tea and let’s blow this whole site open, shall we?

The thumbnails on ZB Porn

Here is another curious thing about this site, all the thumbnails are really low quality, and yet all of the porn I’ve checked is HD. Why are the thumbnails to the porn such shit quality? Well, I’m glad I asked myself that question! There are two reasons for the shit thumbnails on this site, in my very humble, but handsome, opinion. Firstly, having shit, low-quality thumbnails means that each page of this site loads quicker, this is great for the user. Secondly, the thumbnails offer a preview of the scene and so the thumbnail you see before you hover over it is probably just a snapshot from the video. This preview of the porn scene is also a bunch of photos, rather than the commonly used video preview.

Although the thumbnails on ZB Porn do bother me, they don’t enough to mark the site down. Of course, the quality is shit, but ZB Porn is offering us a fuck load of free porn, they are entitled to have shit thumbnails, especially when you can preview the porn scene by hovering over the thumbnails. I’d love to see ZB Porn improve the thumbnails on this site, but if they don’t, it won’t harm the site either.

The feel of ZB Porn

When I say the feel, I mean how a site is to use. Is the porn easily accessible, is the site fast and is it a nice place to be? ZB Porn ticks many of these boxes, but it will lose some points on the nice place to be front. The speeds on ZB Porn are great, there are some ads that get in the way of the porn and slow the site down a bit, but this to be expected on a free porn tube site like this. The porn is easily accessible too. With a good layout for the porn and it being front and centre on the homepage, I can’t fault that!

However, I can fault ZB Porn for the design of the site. This site just isn’t a nice place to be yet. It just looks a little unfinished. It is really close to being a great-looking site, but it just doesn’t hit the mark. This could be because of the porn videos having rounded corners or because of how basic everything looks, but the design could be a lot better without much work.

Some features I love about ZB Porn

I really love that ZB Porn has a pornstar directory, this is such an overlooked part of a site, but this site delivers it. What’s more, they have a shit load of pornstars on their directory, probably more than Pornhub! All the ones I saw had photos too! Why the fuck don’t some sites include photos of the pornstars? What the fuck is the point in having them in the directory if you just get to see a shitty silhouette of a person? I’m looking at you PornHub, you useless bunch of cunts!

I do also really like the categories on ZB Porn. Once again, this site seriously packs a lot of categories in! However, although there is abundance of porn categories on the site, the photos don’t really match the categories too well. For example, I am currently looking at the big boobs category. This should, of course, have one of the big boobed ladies that we know and love for its photo. However, it is a random Arab boy sat on a bed. Really don’t think ZB Porn have thought their category photos through!

The Geeks final thoughts on ZB Porn

I would describe ZB Porn as crunchy. On close inspection, the porn on this site is pretty good. Once you’re passed the ads, the porn loads pretty quickly too. The whole site is fast actually. So, ZB Porn is pretty good. However, just like most porn sites, there are some improvements that this one could make to make the porn viewing even better.

For starters, fix the fucking category photos, ZB Porn, you know these are terrible. This won’t take long, just put some porn on and get to work replacing the photos. Also, update the design of the site. Again, you don’t need to do much, but bring ZB Porn into this century. It just needs a little more to feel nice for users. You are really close to having an excellent porn site, one that could rival the best porn tube sites in the business one day, but unfortunately, ZB Porn just isn’t there yet.

  • HD porn
  • Some full-length porn
  • Nice layout
  • Responsive
  • Design needs work
  • Too much amateur porn